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Current Legislation & Tracking Votes

One of the most important parts of Rep. Barletta’s responsibilities is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New laws are created almost every week the House of Representatives is in session.

You can also search for legislation – by bill number or by key words – using the Library of Congress’ THOMAS search box on the right side of this Web site.

Because no two days in Congress are the same, here are some links that will help you access calendars, schedules, and other relevant information.

The Clerk of the House
One of the most helpful resources is the Web site of the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. The clerk basically oversees House legislative operations.

A summary of what is currently happening on the Floor of the House is available as debate occurs.

Watch the House floor live:

Schedules & Calendars
In the House of Representatives, the Majority Leader sets the calendars.

Sponsored and Co-sponsored Legislation
Before a proposed piece of legislation can be considered by the House of Representatives, it must first be sponsored by a Member of Congress (either a member of the House or a member of the Senate).

Members of Congress who are not the primary sponsor of a piece of legislation may express their strong support for the legislation by becoming a co-sponsor of that legislation.

Rep. Barletta is actively involved in drafting, sponsoring, and cosponsoring legislation about issues that are important to his constituents.

Learn more about the legislation that Rep. Barletta sponsored or co-sponsored.

Roll Call Votes
A roll call vote records how each member of the House voted, but only a minority of bills receive a roll call vote. Learn more about compiling a member’s voting record and how to read roll call information.

You can see how Rep. Barletta voted on legislation of interest to you, and you can see how other members of Congress voted on those bills by reviewing roll call votes here.

The Congressional Record
The Congressional Record is the official transcript of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress. The full text of the Congressional Record is published the day after each meeting of the House or Senate.

Learn about the Congressional Record here.

Search the Congressional Record online (back to the 101st Congress in 1989) here.

Rules and Precedents of the House
The House Rules and Precedents are the official documents that spell out the process by which legislation is considered by the House and its committees, as well as specifying the authority of the officers and committees of the House. Several collections of material explaining the rules and precedents are available through the House Rules Committee:

Let Your Voice Be Heard
Please contact our offices to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family, and your community.