Press Releases

Another Day When Senate Republicans Vote to Block the DISCLOSE Act and House Republicans Refuse to Even Vote on It

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Washington, Jul 17, 2012 -

Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement on the Senate vote on the DISCLOSE Act and House Republicans’ refusal to even vote on it:

“Another day, another Republican filibuster of the DISCLOSE Act – and the voters will be the ones to suffer, because our colleagues have again blocked legislation that would shine a light on the shadowy money that has flooded our elections.  On everything from tax breaks for millionaires, tax loopholes that reward companies that outsource American jobs, and basic transparency in our democratic process, our Republican colleagues are standing with special interests and against American families. 

“If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear from this legislation.  But the people trying to elect a Congress that will rig the rules to benefit their agendas want to hide their identity – we cannot allow that to happen. And despite numerous changes to the bill and attempts to get Republican support, it’s staggering that not a single Senate Republican had the courage to cross the aisle and support this common sense reform legislation.

“This is far from over. Efforts in the Senate will continue, and nearly 150 Democrats have signed a discharge petition to demand a vote in the House.  Democrats will keep fighting to get the DISCLOSE Act to the President’s desk.”


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