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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Training: Forensics

NIJ sponsors a variety of courses, both online (live, self-paced and prerecorded) and in a classroom, for criminal justice professionals. Courses are free unless otherwise noted.

Find courses by topic:

Course Schedule and Information
(NIJ does not exercise control over external Web sites. Read our Exit Notice.)
Course Registration  Starts Location
Courtroom Presentation and Officers of the Court
How to Be a Good Expert Witness
RTI International
Open, class size is limited Sept 27, 2-3pm ET
Required pretest begins at 1:30pm.
Web (live event)
Law 101: Legal Guide for Forensic Experts
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Expert Testimony Training for the Prosecutor and Scientist
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Expert Testimony Training for the Prosecutor and Scientist II
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA Databases & Courtroom Considerations
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Ethics in Forensic Science 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic Mass Spectrometry 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Perspectives in Expert Testimony  
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Roles in Forensic Science: The Sociological Perspective  
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Crime Scene Investigation
Forensic Entomology for the Crime Scene Investigator
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
CBRNE for First Responders
National Center for Forensic Science
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
High Explosives
National Center for Forensic Science
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
National Forensic Academy Investigator - Virtual Reality (I-VR)
Law Enforcement Innovation Center
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Crime Scene and DNA Basics
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Field Investigation Drug Officer (FIDO) Program: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
To Hell and Back: The Ethics of Stewardship and the Stewardship of Ethics
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Cold Case Analysis Training for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors 
Virginia Center for Policing Innovation
Restricted to active law enforcement officers and prosecutors
Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic Science 101: An Introduction
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
The Basics of Biological Evidence
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Crime Scene Investigation 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic Photography 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Introduction to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Shooting Reconstruction
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Offender Profiling: Psychology Contributions to Behavioral Crime Scene Analysis
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Developing a Missing Persons Protocol
(en Espanol: Desarrollar un protocolo de Personas Desaparecidas)
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Cold Case Safety Net: Missing and Unidentified Persons
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Investigative Strategies: Missing and Unidentified Person Cases
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
CODIS for Missing Persons: Using DNA for the Investigation of Remains
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Digital Forensics
Computer Forensic Investigation Training (C.F.I.T)
Electronic Crime Technology Center of Excellence
Open Sept. 18-19, 2012 Classroom: Miramar, Fla.
Digital Evidence Collection Training (D.E.C.T.)
Electronic Crime Technology Center of Excellence
Open Sept. 20, 2012 Classroom: Miramar, Fla.
NIJ also has sponsored development of a number of digital forensic courses that can be hosted by agencies. Learn more about additional digital forensic training opportunities.
Firearms Examination
Firearms Examiner Training
NIJ website
Not required Anytime Web (self-paced)
Latent Print Examiner Training Program
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Closed Five 2-week sessions beginning July 9 and ending Nov. 16, 2012 Classroom: Largo, Fla.
Forensic Fingerprints Analysis Basics
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Latent Fingerprint Image Enhancement: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Automated Fingerprint Identification System 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
The Science of Fingerprints  
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Fish and Wildlife Investigation
Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Investigations
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA/Biology
Comprehensive Training Program in Forensic DNA Interpretation and Statistics
UNT Health Science Center
Forthcoming Forthcoming Ft. Worth, TX
Amplified DNA Product Separation
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Hair Evaluation for DNA Analysis 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Population Genetics and Statistics
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
STR Data Analysis and Interpretation
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic STR Data Analysis
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic STR Data Interpretation
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic STR Data Interpretation
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic STR Amplification
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Advanced and Emerging DNA Techniques and Technologies
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Fundamental Biology & Genetics of Forensic DNA Testing
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Essential Aspects of Forensic DNA Testing
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA Testing Quality Assurance & Validation
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA Testing Basics
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Biological Evidence Screening and Serology
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA Testing Markers and Methods
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Non-STR DNA Markers: SNPs, Y-STRs, LCN and mtDNA
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
DNA Extraction for Forensic STR Analysis
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
DNA Quantification for Forensic STR Analysis
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
DNA Extraction and Quantitation
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
DNA Amplification
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Capillary Electrophoresis for Forensic STR Analysis
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Crime Scene and DNA Basics
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Forensic DNA Databases & Courtroom Considerations
Forensic Training Network
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Laser Microdissection for Technical Managers and Supervisors: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Mitochondrial and STR DNA Analysis by Mass Spectrometry Using the Ibis Biosciences Platform: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Miniaturized Microfluidic Devices: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Laser Microdissection for Examiners: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Pattern and Impression Evidence
Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Introduction to Firearms and Toolmarks 
West Virginia University
Closed. Will be offered again Spring 2012.
Forthcoming  Web (self-paced)
Polynomial Texture Mapping for Footwear/Tire Impressions: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Laboratory Management and Administration
Best Practices in Forensic Science Management — Basic and Advance Class
Midwest Forensic Resource Center, The Ames Laboratory
Closed Advanced: Sept. 11-13, 2012 Omaha, Neb.
Transition to Leadership
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Laboratory Safety Programs
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
SOP Writing for ISO 17025 Accreditation
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Best Practices for Volumetric Measurement
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Laser Microdissection for Technical Managers and Supervisors: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Answering the NAS: The Ethics of Leadership and the Leadership of Ethics (Ethics II)
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Medicolegal Death Investigation
Recreational Asphyxia: Mechanical
RTI International and the National Academy of Medical Examiners
Closed Forthcoming Web (recording forthcoming)
Recreational Asphyxia: Chemical
RTI International and the National Academy of Medical Examiners
Closed Forthcoming Web (recording forthcoming)
Forensic Sciences: An Overview for Medicolegal Death Investigators
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Open to medicolegal death investigation practitioners April through September 2012 Web (16-20 hours)
Principles of Death Investigation
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Investigating Sudden Deaths: Cause of Death Scenarios That Mimic One Another
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Death Investigation in the Elderly 
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Sudden, Unexplained Infant Death Investigation: Death Scene Re-creation
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Sudden, Unexplained Infant Death Investigation: An Overview and Top 25 Critical Points to Consider
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Sudden, Unexplained Infant Death Investigation: Infant Growth and Development
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Forensic Photography 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Introduction to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Crime Scene and DNA Basics
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Communication Skills, Report Writing, and Courtroom Testimony
Open Anytime Web (self-paced)
Advances in Forensic Anthropology
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Forensic Anthropology: Mapping and Excavation of Clandestine Graves
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Modern Polarized Light Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 8-12, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 15-19, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Infrared Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Forensic Paint ID and Comparison
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Closed Sept. 10-14, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Identification of Building Materials
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 1-5, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Forensic Soil Examination-Part 2
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 22-26, 2012 Westmont, Ill.
Questioned Documents
Fundamentals of Forensic Questioned Documents
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Cedar Fox Questioned Documents Workshop: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Sexual Assault Forensic Examination
NIJ and the Office on Violence Against Women also sponsored development of the CD-based state-of-the-art training tool on forensic examinations Sexual Assault: Forensic and Clinical Management by the Dartmouth Interactive Media Lab. This virtual practicum is based on based on the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations. Learn more about the this training tool.
Toxicology and Controlled Substance
Fundamentals of Immunoassy Testing in Toxicology
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Using a Cheminformatics Database: Introduction to ForensicDB
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (recording forthcoming)
Fundamentals of Forensic Toxicology
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Fundamentals of Forensic Toxicology
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Fundamentals of Non-Mass Selective Detectors
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Field Detection of Drugs and Explosives Odor Signatures Using Planar Solid Phase Microextraction Ion Mobility Spectrometry
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Using a Cheminformatics Data Library
RTI International
Live course has passed; recorded version is forthcoming. Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Forensic Mass Spectrometry 
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Introduction to Forensic Drug Chemistry  
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Best Practices for Volumetric Measurement
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Oxymorphone in Post Mortem Fluids and Tissues
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Challenges in Dug-Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA)
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
An Overview of DFSA SAFE/SANE/SART Protocol I
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
An Overview of DFSA SAFE/SANE/SART Protocol II
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Introduction to Uncertainty in Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Part 1
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)

Introduction to Uncertainty in Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Part 2
RTI International

Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Introduction to Uncertainty in Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Part 3
RTI International


Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Fundamentals of LC/MS/MS
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Best Practices for Volumetric Measurement
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
The Zzzz Drugs: From Analysis to Interpretation
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Opioids and Pain Management
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Liquid Chromotography/Dual Mass Spectrometry: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
DART Mass Spectrometry: A Technology Transition Workshop
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Specimen Validity Testing: The Workplace Experience
RTI International
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Trace Evidence
Fibers and Textiles for Forensic Scientists
West Virginia University
Open. Free for public lab employees. See site for pricing for federal employees and the general public. Anytime Web (self-paced)
Modern Polarized Light Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 8, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 15, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
Infrared Microscopy
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 30, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
Forensic Paint ID and Comparison
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Sept. 10, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
Identification of Building Materials
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 1, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
Forensic Soil Examination-Part 2
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Open Oct. 22, 2012 Classroom: Westmont, Ill.
DART Mass Spectrometry: A Technology Transition Workshop
National Forensic Science Technology Center
Not required Anytime Web (prerecorded)
High Explosives
National Center for Forensic Science
Open Anytime Web (prerecorded)
Date Modified: September 12, 2012