United States Election Assistance Comittee

Register to Vote!

Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form to register to vote, update your registration information with a new name or address, or register with a political party.

Note: If you wish to vote absentee and are a uniformed service member or family member or a citizen living outside the U.S., contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote.

EAC Newsletters
and Updates

Sign up to receive information about EAC activities including public meetings, webcasts, reports and grants.

Give Us Your Feedback

Share your feedback on EAC policy proposalsElection Resource Library materials, and OpenEAC activities. Give feedback on general issues, including the Web site, through our Contact Us page.

Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

Quality Monitoring Program

EAC's Quality Monitoring Program is designed to ensure that voting systems certified by EAC are the same systems sold by manufacturers. The quality monitoring process is a mandatory part of the program and includes elements such as fielded voting system review, anomaly reporting, and manufacturing site visits.   For more information see Chapter 8 of the Voting System Testing and Certification Program Manual.

System Advisory Notices

System Advisory Notices are an important part of the Quality Monitoring Program. EAC issues advisories to inform jurisdictions and members of the public of an existing anomaly or issue with an EAC-certified system. The advisory notice describes the nature of the issue identified, the root cause of the issue if known, and the current status of a solution to the issue. EAC will follow up with additional advisory notices regarding unresolved issues as more information is gathered and the problem is resolved. Sign up for automatic system advisory alerts.

These notices support EAC's quality monitoring program requirement related to identifying and reporting anomalies of fielded EAC systems. These notices are issued after an anomaly or issue is identified and verified through conversations with the jurisdiction fielding the system and the manufacturer of the system. 

See below the System Advisory Notices that EAC has issued, or visit the Resource Library.

Election Systems and Software

Unity Rev. 1 Modification 
03/03/11 -- Ballot Drop Technical Advisory

MicroVote General Corporation

EMS v.4.0B Modification 
08/23/10 -- Configuration Management Technical Advisory 
EMS v.4.0 
There are currently no System Advisory Notices

Premier Election Solutions, Inc

Assure 1.2
01/30/12 -- GEMS Standard Export Error Message "The Export produced no Output"
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
10/05/11 -- AV-TSX "System Halt -13" Error Message
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Voluntarily Submitted by Manufacturer
Unisyn Voting Solutions 
OpenElect 1.0.1 Modification
There are currently no System Advisory Notices
OpenElect 1.0 
There are currently no System Advisory Notices 
Formal Investigations

A Formal Investigation is an official investigation of a non-conformity to a voting system.  The end result of a Formal Investigation is a Report of Investigation.  For more information see Chapter 7 of the Voting System Testing and Certification Program Manual.

See below the Formal Investigations that EAC has issued, or visit the Resource Library

Election Systems and Software

08/30/12 -- EAC Response to ES&S Withdrawal Request
08/03/12 -- ES&S Letter Requesting Certification Withdrawal
02/07/12 -- ES&S Response to EAC Notice of Non-Compliance
02/01/12 -- Notice of Non-Compliance
12/20/11 -- Formal Investigation Report
05/25/11 -- Formal Investigation Anomaly Status
03/03/11 -- Timeline of Activities
03/01/11 -- Notice of Initiation of Formal Investigation and Investigation Authorization