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Space Weather Prediction Center

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SWPC Site Map

Organizational Structure
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Space Weather Prediction Center

About the Space Weather Prediction Center
ACE Costello Geomagnetic Activity Index
ACE Real Time Solar Wind (RTSW) - Interplanetary Magnetic Field (MAG), Differential Electron
        Proton Flux (EPAM), Bulk Parameters of the Solar Wind Plasma (SWEPAM), and Integral
        Flux of High-energy Solar Protons (SIS) -- Plots, 1-, 5-min data lists, hourly data lists,
        predicted satellite location, ground station tracking [updating]
ACE RTWS Dials -- see Space Weather Now [updating]
Anonymous FTP server

Biennial Reports
Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer and K-indices -- updating page, data lists
Brighten Up the Classroom [classroom material]

Commercial Space Weather Service Providers
Contact Us
Current Space Weather Indices -- also see Daily Space Weather Indices
Customer Services

Daily Geophysical Data - recent, older, warehouse from 1996
Daily Particle Data - recent, older, warehouse from 1996
Daily Solar Data - recent, older, warehouse from 1996
Daily Space Weather Indices

Education / Outreach
Electrical Utilities Information
Email Products
Events and Announcements

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Forecast and Analysis Branch
Forecast Verification

Gallery of Solar Activity
GEOALERT (GEOA) -- latest, last 75 day, warehouse from 1996
Geomagnetic A and K indices from the U.S. Geological Survey Stations
Geophysical Alert Message (WWV)
Global D-Region Absorption Prediction (experimental) [updating]
Glossary of Solar-Terrestrial Term
GOES Electron Flux 3-day plots, last 90 days [updating]
GOES Energetic Proton and Electron Flux data lists, last 90 days
GOES Energetic Proton Flux 3-day Monitor [updating]
GOES Magnetometer H-component 3-day plots, last 90 days [updating]
GOES >10, >50, >100 MeV Proton Flux 3-day plots, last 90 days [updating]
GOES Proton Channel data lists, last 90 days
GOES X-ray Flux 1- & 5-min data lists, 90 days
GOES X-ray Flux 3-day plots, last 90 days [updating]
GOES Plot files: Electron, Proton, Magnetometer, X-ray and Satellite Environment, warehouse from 2000
GOES Satellite Data at SWPC
GOES Satellite Location
GOES Solar X-ray Imager (SXI)

Introducción al Clima Espacial
Ionospheric parameters: foF2, hmF2, M(D), D, h'F, yF2, fMUF, h,' fxI, foF1, foE, hmE, foEs, fbEs,
     Ionospheric Data - daily data lists, monthly data lists

The K-index [short paper]

Loran-C Page

Natural Radiation Hazard at Aircraft Altitudes [short paper]
Navigation Systems Page
News Media User Group
NOAA Scales Help Public, Technicians Understand Space Weather [short paper]
NOAA Space Weather Scales
NOAA POES Auroral Activity
NOAA POES Energetic Particles
NOAA POES Energetic Particle Belt Indices
NOAA POES Hemispheric Power Index Data
About the NOAA POES Instruments
NOAA Weather Wire for Space Weather Products
Non SWPC Sources of Geomagnetic Data
Non SWPC Sources of Space Weather Data

Organizational Chart
Origami Project [classroom material]
Online Space Weather Data

Planetary Kp (estimated) - updating plot, older plots, text file, warehouse from 2000
Predicted Monthly Sunspot Number and 10cm Radio Flux
Preliminary Reports and Forecast of Solar Geophysical Data -- also as web and ftp files
Primer on the Solar Space Environment
Privacy Policy
Programs and Plans

Radio Users' Page
Rapid Prototyping Center
Real-time and Near-real-time Solar Image Sites
Recent Solar Indices of Observed Monthly Mean Values
Relationship between Kp and the Aurora [short paper]
Relativistic Electron Forecast Model

Satellite Environment Plot - updating, ftp file, warehouse from 2000
Satellites and Space Weather [short paper]
Satellite Operators User Group
SBUV MgII Core-to-Wing Index
Science and Technology Infusion Branch
Service Assessment - Intense Space Weather Storms October 19 - November 7, 2003
Solar and Geophysical Activity Report and 3-day Forecast (RSGA) - latest, last 75 days,
      warehouse from 1996
Solar and Geophysical Activity Summary (SGAS) - latest, 75 days, warehouse from 1996
Solar Cycle Progression
Solar Event Reports: last 60 days and older
Solar Effects [short paper]
Solar Image Sites
Solar Radio Flux
Solar Region Summary (SRS) - latest, 75 days, warehouse from 1996
SOLCOORD: Coordinated Solar Observations

Space Weather Prediction Center
Space Physics and Terrestrial Effects [classroom material]
Space Physics Educational Sites [classroom material]
Solar Proton Events Affecting the Earth Environment
Space Weather Advisory Bulletins and Outlooks
Space Weather Alerts
Space Weather Enterprise Forum
Space Weather Event Reports
Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers [updating]
Space Weather for Middle School Students [classroom material]
Space Weather Now [updating]
Space Weather Workshop annual User Conference
STORM Time Empirical Ionospheric Model [updating]
Summary of Space Weather Observations -- latest, 75 days
SXI -- see GOES Solar X-ray Imager

Thule Neutron Monitor
Tips on Viewing the Aurora
Today's Space Weather [updating]
Tours for SWPC Visitors

US Total Electron Content (TEC) Specification [updating]
USAF Hourly Magnetometer Analysis Report
USAF Daily Magnetometer Analysis Report

Vendors of Space Weather Services
Verification -- see Forecast Verification
Visiting SWPC in Boulder, Colorado

Wang-Sheeley Model
Warehouse of SWPC Products and Plots from 1996
The "Weekly" Preliminary Report and Forecast of Solar Geophysical Data
         also see Historical Reports from 1997
Wing Kp Geomagnetic Activity Index
Who We Are - SWPC Overview
WWV -- see Geophysical Alert Message

3-day Space Weather Predictions -- latest, 75 days
45-day Ap and 10.7cm Forecast -- latest, 20 days
7-day GOES x-ray, proton, electron, magnetometer, and est. Kp plots [pdf format]

Space Weather Topics:
Alerts / Warnings, Space Weather Now, Today's Space Wx, Data and Products, About Us ,
Email Products, Space Wx Week, Education/Outreach, Customer Services, Contact Us

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Space Weather Prediction Center, W/NP9
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
Page last modified: August 24, 2007


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