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9/13/2012 Evaluating the Effectiveness of DOT's Truck and Bus Safety Program
9/12/2012 A Review of and Update on the Management of FAA’s NextGen Program
9/11/2012 Tenth Anniversary of the Maritime Transportation Security Act: Are We Safer?
9/11/2012 A Review of Amtrak Operations Part 2: The High Cost of Amtrak’s Monopoly Mentality in Commuter Rail Competitions
8/17/2012 LA Courthouse: GSA’s Plan to Spend $400 Million to Create Vacant Space
8/16/2012 California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Planning and Preparing for Hazards and Disasters
8/6/2012 Sitting on Our Assets: The Vacant Federal Courthouse in Miami
8/2/2012 A Review of Amtrak Operations, Part I: Mismanagement of Food & Beverage Services
8/1/2012 GSA: A Review of Agency Mismanagement and Wasteful Spending -- Part 2
7/25/2012 Integrated Planning and Permitting, Part 2: An Opportunity for EPA to Provide Communities with Flexibility to Make Smart Investments in Water Quality
7/24/2012 A Review of Building Codes and Mitigation Efforts to Help Minimize the Costs Associated with Natural Disasters
7/18/2012 A Review of the FAA's Contract Tower Program
7/10/2012 A Review of Federal Maritime Domain Awareness Programs
6/28/2012 A Review of the Delays and Problems Associated with TSA's Transportation Worker Identification Credential
6/27/2012 A Review of Vessels Used to Carry Strategic Petroleum Reserve Drawdowns
6/19/2012 Sitting on Our Assets: The Georgetown Heating Plant
5/31/2012 A Review of FAA’s efforts to reduce costs and ensure safety and efficiency through Realignment and Facility Consolidation
5/16/2012 Creating American Jobs and Assuring the Safety and Security of America's Waterways: A Review of the Coast Guard's 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
5/9/2012 TSA Oversight Part IV: Is TSA Effectively Procuring, Deploying, and Storing Aviation Security Equipment and Technology?
5/8/2012 POSTPONED: A Review of Solutions to Reform, Reorganize, or Retire the General Services Administration (GSA)
5/8/2012 Surface Transportation Bill Conference Opening Meeting
4/26/2012 Regulation of the Maritime Industry: Ensuring U.S. Job Growth While Improving Environmental and Worker Safety
4/25/2012 A Review of Aviation Safety in the United States
4/18/2012 How Reliability of the Inland Waterway System Impacts Economic Competitiveness
4/17/2012 GSA's Squandering of Taxpayer Dollars: A Pattern of Mismanagement, Excess, and Waste
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