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USNG Implementation & Pilot Projects

  • Washington, DC.  Local implementations of the FGDC's USNG standard in the District of Columbia include the District's GIS web site, DC Department of Transportation's 2007 street map, DC Water Department's use of USNG naming conventions for it's features, and a number of other planned venues.  For example, a visitor to Washington, DC can use the USNG as a universal map index value.  The visitor can look up any DC street address at the Master Address Repository that will return a number of attributes to include the USNG value.  With this USNG coordinate the visitor can look up the location on the 2007 Washington, DC street map (4Mb) distributed by the DC Department of Transportation (DDoT) or this demonstration street atlas.  This street map depicts a full USNG grid (for additional information or copies of this map please contact or (202) 673-6813).  With the USNG coordinate obtained from the DC Master Address Respository the visitor could also use it directly with a very low cost GPS receiver to guide him or her to the location.  This can be especially beneficial on dark and stormy nights, for locating particularly small and obscure points of interest or for simply communicating an addresses location in an unambiguous and map friendly form.  During time of disaster response these enhanced routine capabilities add life saving capabilities for the emergency response community.
  • The State of Florida.  Lessons learned from recent hurricane seasons has taught Florida that standardized grid maps for search and rescue and other activities are a necessity.  To this end the State Fire Marshal, as the coordinating agency for search and rescue under the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and the Division of Emergency Management have embarked on a program to implement the US National Grid as Florida'a grid standard for geospatial and mapping support to both emergency and other operations.  Example maps under this implementation include a Miami-Dade County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Office image map prepared for the 2007 Superbowl, and a page from a Monroe County, FL experimental street atlas.  The USGS SAINT LUCIE INLET, FL 1:24,000-scale topographic quadrangle provides another example. Support for the USNG has been added to Florida's Incident Mapper.  Hillsborough County, Fl has prepared a road atlas of the county at various scales based on the USNG.
  • Delta State USNG Pilot Project.  This site provides access to USNG data layers as shapefiles.  Use the hyperlink tool to select and download the desired area.  Please check back from time to time as new layers will be added when our volunteer time permits.
  • Pasquotank County, North Carolina.  Having been in the path of several hurricanes over the past couple of years, Pasquotank County initially was interested in National Grid as a common language to aid in emergency operations but has now incorporated National Grid coordinates into several different areas including tax and a printable road atlas while maintaining their data in State Plane.
  • Ohio.  Efforts are underway in Ohio to implement the USNG standard in a number of venues.  Delaware and Lake Counties have supported initial implementation efforts by providing USNG coordinates through their GIS-based public information portals. A USNG grid layer is also provided that can be overlaid on the local mapping.
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2008 04:22 PM
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