Today's Military:

Military Glossary

Inside the Redstone Arsenal

Personnel at the Redstone Arsenal are responsible for the Army's weapons research and development.

Related Items: Working

Navy Public Affairs

Navy Public Affairs (01:46)

Chief Petty Officer Paul DeLaughter talks about how Navy Public Affairs supports recruiting by educating the community about the good things happening in today's Navy.

  • Navy, Navy Reserve
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Crowd Control

Crowd Control

Army National Guard Soldiers hold riot shields.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer
Providing Comfort and Care

Providing Comfort and Care

An Air Force Reserve flight nurse stays by the side of a servicemember as he is transported to a higher level of care.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Working
  • Officer
Remote Control

Remote Control (01:08)

An unmanned aerial vehicle pilot explains why he joined the Army.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Heavy-Duty Maintenance

Heavy-Duty Maintenance

By joining the Army National Guard, individuals gain the opportunity to learn new job skills.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Calling in the Firepower

Calling in the Firepower (03:19)

Members of the 194th Regional Air National Guard Support Wing discuss their efforts in Afghanistan.

  • Air National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Good Dog

Good Dog

The Army needs animals to help accomplish important missions and relies on the Veterinary Corps to keep them healthy.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Officer
Clearing a Path

Clearing a Path

An Army National Guard Soldier removes debris from a road so military vehicles can pass.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted
All Systems Go

All Systems Go

Two members of the Air Force Reserve work on an aircraft's avionics system at Westover Air Reserve Base, Mass.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Sending Humanitarian Aid

Sending Humanitarian Aid

Soldiers prepare a package of aid supplies to be delivered by helicopter.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer
Landing Blackhawks in Tennessee

Landing Blackhawks in Tennessee

The Army National Guard offers several exciting possibilities for those who want to become helicopter pilots.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer
Dentistry in the Air Force Reserve

Dentistry in the Air Force Reserve (01:33)

Maj. Lance Kim of the Air Force Reserve evaluates the dental health of servicemembers to make sure they are ready for deployment.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Working
  • Officer
The Army Drill Team

The Army Drill Team

The Army Drill Team is part of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Reading the Manual

Reading the Manual

Army National Guard Soldiers work on a Humvee. Wheeled vehicle mechanic is one of many jobs available in the Army National Guard.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Chaplains Serving in Combat

Chaplains Serving in Combat

Unit Ministry Teams (UMTs), composed of chaplains and chaplain assistants, serve Soldiers on the battlefield and at home.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer
Ready for Anything

Ready for Anything

An Army National Guard Soldier is on the lookout for possible trouble during a combat situation.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer
Achieving Goals in the Air Force Reserve

Achieving Goals in the Air Force Reserve

1st Lt. Amanda Gierhart prepares to fly a C-17 cargo carrier. Through the Air Force Reserve, Gierhart was able to pursue her dream of becoming a pilot.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Working
  • Officer
Maintenance and Repair

Maintenance and Repair

One of the biggest jobs for Soldiers on post is to keep all equipment in operating condition in case it is needed.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Enlisted
Practicing Medicine in the Army

Practicing Medicine in the Army (05:08)

Capt. Ana Morgan and Lt. Col. Paul Mayer discuss how the Medical Corps helped them achieve their career goals.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Officer

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