• NIDA Releases New Guide for Those Seeking Treatment

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has recently released a new guidebook to help those in need of treatment make the right decisions regarding their care.  The guide, “Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment: Know What to Ask”, provides evidence-based information on various types of treatment that are effective in addressing substance use disorders.

    The publication provides information regarding five key questions an individual should ask when searching for a treatment program:

    1. Does the program use treatments backed by scientific evidence?

    2. Does the program tailor treatment to the needs of each patient?

    3. Does the program adapt treatment as the patient's needs change?

    4. Is the duration of treatment sufficient?

    5. How do 12-step or similar recovery programs fit into drug addiction treatment?

    The Obama Administration is committed to reducing the demand for illegal drugs in the United States through a comprehensive approach that includes prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support.  More information on treatment for substance use disorders can be found on ONDCP’s Treatment and Recovery page.

  • Governor Beshear Addresses Rx Abuse in his State of the State Address

    On January 4th, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivered his State of the Commonwealth address where he outlined his legislative priorities for the next year. One of those priorities includes taking on prescription drug abuse. According to the Governor, more Kentuckians die from prescription drug overdoses than from car accidents.  He also cited a poll that found that 32 percent of Kentuckians have a family member or friend who has suffered because of prescription drug abuse.

    To address this challenge, Governor Beshear is partnering with Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway and Speaker of the Kentucky House Gregory D. "Greg" Stumbo to call upon their legislature to strengthen Kentucky’s current prescription drug monitoring system.  Last year, the Governor also created an interstate task force with the Governors of Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia to find solutions to address the growing prescription drug problem in the region.

    We look forward to working with Kentucky to address this serious challenge.  That is why last year Director Kerlikowske accompanied various Members of Congress and interested congressional staff during visits to Louisville, Lexington, London, and Pikeville to share the latest information on the prescription drug abuse epidemic with officials from the public and private sectors and offer Federal assistance in combating the problem.  

    There is no single solution to tackle this epidemic.  It takes a balanced and comprehensive approach at each level of government.  The Commonwealth of Kentucky is a shining example of what can be accomplished when state and local leaders unite to address the issue of drug abuse in their communities. 

    Tony Martinez is Associate Director for Intergovernmental and Public Liaison

  • A Strategy to Reduce Drug Trafficking along our Northern Border

    Today, I joined Director Kerlikowske in releasing the Obama Administration’s first-ever National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy.  The Strategy outlines new actions that seek to reduce the two-way flow of illicit drugs between the United States and Canada by increasing coordination among Federal, state, local, and tribal enforcement authorities, enhancing intelligence-sharing among counterdrug agencies, and strengthening our Nation’s ongoing counterdrug partnerships and initiatives with the Government of Canada and Canadian law enforcement agencies.  The Strategy places a special emphasis on improving cooperation with tribal governments, devoting an entire chapter to enhancing law enforcement coordination on tribal lands.  By strengthening integrated cross-border law enforcement between our two countries, the Strategy supports a key area of cooperation outlined by President Obama and Prime Minister Harper in the Beyond the Border declaration.

    Ecstasy and marijuana are common drug threats to the United States from Canada, and the United States remains the primary transit country for cocaine from South America entering into Canada. The National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy provides an overview of current counterdrug efforts and identifies supporting actions aimed at disrupting this two-way flow of illegal drugs.  Some key strategic objectives outlined in the Strategy include:

    • Enhancing coordination of intelligence collection among U.S. Federal, state, local, tribal and Canadian law enforcement agencies with Northern border counternarcotics responsibilities.
    • Increasing the amount seized of illicit narcotics and drug proceeds crossing the Northern border by bolstering security at and between ports of entry.
    • Enhancing air and maritime domain awareness and response capabilities along the Northern border.
    • Developing resources and providing training opportunities to tribal law enforcement agencies.
    • Targeting the financial infrastructure of Transnational Criminal Organizations and increasing judicial cooperation with the Government of Canada.

    The National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy is the product of an extensive consultation process that began with hundreds of letters from ONDCP soliciting input from relevant Congressional delegations, the Government of Canada, and Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officials. As part of this process, I traveled to Seattle, Washington; Blackfeet Nation, Montana; Grand Forks, North Dakota; Detroit, Michigan; and upstate New York.  The consultation meetings in these locations included discussions with U.S. Attorneys, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) directors, our Canadian counterparts, and panels of Federal, state, local, and tribal officials. The input we received at these meetings played a significant role in shaping the Strategy, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with law enforcement at all levels here and in Canada to reduce the threat that drug trafficking poses to communities on both sides of the border.

    Ben Tucker is Deputy Director for State, Local, and Tribal Affairs

  • NY State Attorney General Working to Address Prescription Drug Abuse

    Yesterday, New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman unveiled a report regarding the prescription drug abuse crisis in New York and outlined specific actions on how this growing problem needs to be addressed by both health care providers and law enforcement officials.  The Attorney General’s efforts reinforce the importance of the work the Obama Administration is undertaking to address prescription drug abuse in America. Last April, ONDCP released the Administration's comprehensive action plan on prescription drug abuse - Epidemic: Responding to America's Prescription Drug Crisis. The plan, which coordinates efforts among Federal agencies, focuses on four key areas: education for healthcare professionals, patients, and the public on safe and appropriate use of prescription drugs; expansion of state-based prescription drug monitoring programs; convenient and environmentally responsible disposal methods to remove unused medications from the home; and smart law enforcement to reduce the prevalence of pill mills and doctor shopping.

    Public officials like Attorney General Schneiderman are working across the country to address the prescription drug abuse epidemic within their own state borders while also working with neighboring states to prevent prescription drug diversion by implementing many of the practices called for in the Administration’s Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan. These practices include updating existing prescription drug monitoring programs like those in New York and Tennessee. And in Utah and Massachusetts, state legislatures are establishing mandatory prescriber education laws, which require doctors to undergo training before prescribing powerful painkillers.

    Prescription drug abuse and its consequences is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States, and there is no single solution to tackle this epidemic. Everyone has a role to play, and success will require coordination and collaboration at the Federal, state, local, and tribal levels.

    Tony Martinez is Associate Director for Intergovernmental and Public Liaison

  • Youth Drug Use: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Ed. Note: This post originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

    Recently, I joined officials from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Department of Health and Human Services to announce the results of the largest annual survey on youth drug use in America. NIDA's annual "Monitoring the Future" study, which questions more than 46,000 teens in over 400 public and private schools across America, is a vital source of information about the types of substances young people are using, as well as their attitudes and perceptions regarding substance use -- including alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

    This year's data revealed some troubling new trends, including startling new information showing an emerging threat of so-called "synthetic drugs," which have been marketed as "legal" alternatives to marijuana. According to the survey, one in nine high school seniors has used synthetic marijuana marketed as "K2" and "spice" in the past year. That means the use of these drugs now rank as the second most frequently used illegal drug among high school seniors, second only to marijuana.

    To address this emerging challenge, the Drug Enforcement Administration recently used their emergency regulatory authority to temporarily ban the sale of the chemicals used to manufacture K2 and spice. I have also convened officials from across the federal government at the White House to share data and coordinate a federal response to the threat of synthetic drugs. We are also working with Congress; and just two weeks ago the House of Representatives passed legislation that would permanently ban the chemicals used to make synthetic drugs, including those marketed as "bath salts."

    New data also shows that youth marijuana use is on the rise. In fact, more high school 10th graders smoke marijuana than smoke cigarettes. Making matters worse, young people's perception of harm regarding marijuana use is declining. Unfortunately, the barrage of mixed media messages and legalization campaigns that seek to normalize drug use shape young people's attitudes toward drug use. Let's keep this in mind: Using illegal drugs is not part of everyday life in America, nor is it a rite of passage. Given the wide array of public health research outlining the serious consequences of using marijuana, we must work to ensure teens understand that marijuana use can harm a young person's health and his or her future.

    Despite these challenges, this year's survey also contains some very promising trends. Rates of drug use among young people are far lower than they were 30 years ago. And while still far too high (alcohol is still the most widely abused drug among teens), rates of teen cigarette smoking and drinking are at the lowest levels ever measured. Moreover, far more teens disapprove of smoking today than they did 20 years ago.

    This progress didn't happen overnight or by accident. Over the past several decades, a concerted effort by parents, the private sector, and public health and safety institutions was mounted to keep young people healthy and protected from harmful substances through a balanced combination of education, treatment and enforcement. Nationwide media campaigns have encouraged young people to make healthy choices by rejecting drug use. Local community coalitions have formed across the nation to address local threats with local solutions. Law enforcement agencies have targeted the supply of substances, making them expensive and less available to teens. Not only have these efforts substantially reduced the number of young people hurt by drugs, but they have also changed the culture surrounding these substances. This is important because when society disapproves of drug use, and its harms are accurately and frequently communicated to young people, fewer will begin using drugs. For example, the rate of smoking goes down when the acceptability of smoking goes down. The percentage of students reporting daily cigarette use is significantly lower, along with the percentage of students who think smoking is acceptable.

    Preventing drug use before it ever begins is, after all, the most cost-effective way to address our drug problem. Successful prevention means fewer people will develop substance use disorders, and the consequences of substance use -- including health care, treatment costs and criminal justice system costs -- will all decrease.

    The Obama administration has taken a comprehensive approach to the substance abuse problem, and science directs that effort. Research shows time and again that adult influencers are the most powerful force in the lives of young people. We will continue working with local communities to decrease substance use rates across the nation. In the meantime, we hope you will join us in making America healthier and safer.

    For more information or help on how to talk to teens about drugs, visit TheAntiDrug.com.

    R. Gil Kerlikowske is Director of National Drug Control Policy

  • Federal Funding Ban on Needle Exchange Programs

    Ed. Note: This post was updated at 6:10 pm

    On December 16, 2009, President Obama signed into law an end to the longstanding ban on most Federal funding for needle exchange programs, giving us more opportunities to stop the spread of HIV and other infections among injecting drug users (IDUs). The Administration continues to support a consistent policy that would allow Federal funds to be used in locations where local authorities deem needle exchange programs to be effective and appropriate. Unfortunately, Congress has reinstated the ban.

    As noted in the President’s National Drug Control Strategy, we will continue to work with Congress and public health agencies to ensure that, to the extent possible, needle exchange programs are implemented in the context of comprehensive, recovery-oriented public health systems that also offer IDUs treatment for addiction, other medical care, and testing for HIV and hepatitis B and C.  On a global scale, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) continues to work with governments worldwide on synchronizing drug control and HIV prevention and treatment.  In combating the problem, special attention has been paid to comprehensive HIV prevention services for IDUs that include providing HIV prevention education. The recommended core package of comprehensive HIV prevention services for IDUs includes needle and syringe programs; drug treatment (including medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependence); HIV testing and counseling; antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive IDUs; prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections; condom programs for IDUs and their sexual partners; targeted information, education, and communication for IDUs and their sexual partners; vaccination, diagnosis, and treatment of viral hepatitis; and diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.

  • I Was Determined to Save My Life

    Cross-posted from Faces and Voices of Recovery

    I am a 35 year old survivor who has been clean and sober for almost seven years.  My drug of choice was Methamphetamine. I would stop at nothing to get my next hit.  I was very ill, both mentally and physically from not eating or caring for myself. I lost everything including my son and my freedom in a matter of 4 years.  In 2001 I was arrested and charged with many crimes, all due to my addiction. 

    In 2002 I was given the gift of being able to enter into a long term drug treatment facility.  I was determined to save my life.  I had to be taught how to be productive, goal orientated, have a positive self-esteem and how to fight for my life. They taught me how to be proud of my accomplishments and who I am.  In 2004 I graduated the program.   

    Sobriety has brought so much back to me, including my son as of 2 months ago. I have found a new love for life and others.  I now work as a counselor helping individuals to overcome and cope with their disease.  I enjoy helping others to help themselves.  I assist in guiding those who are in the same position I was over seven years ago.  

    Sobriety and life is worth fighting for.  We just have to be shown the way.

    This post is part of the ONDCP Stories of Hope blog series.

  • Our Children Are Not Just Our Present, They Are Our Future

    Cross-posted from Faces and Voices of Recovery

    I am a parent of a graduate of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program. I don’t think there is a bumper sticker for that. Every Tuesday my husband and I meet with other parents dealing with the issues around drug addiction in the family. We were the first parents when the group began. After three or four weeks another couple came, followed by a single mother. And so it grew, single parents, married couples, divorced couples working to save their children even when their own marriages had failed. There are half couples too, the other parent either working, doing supervision at home or in denial, a common thing with parents of a drug using child. For who among us, in even the most exasperating moments of parenthood ever pictured our loving, cherubic faced child fighting the devil of addiction. Not I, not my husband and none of the other parents who show up each week. They aren’t there for the pizza.

    Although our son has been clean for over three years we have continued to attend. Drug addiction is never cured. It is faced every day, one day at a time. We need to remember that for our son. We have also realized that others are not yet able to see that recovery is possible. Almost every week we have a new parent hemorrhaging from the devastation of this disease. We feel such a responsibility to be there for them, to help in any way to give hope and courage to continue their fight to help their child get clean. To keep the faith that recovery is indeed possible and even likely given strong, loving, consistent support amidst the inevitable, tough, painful decisions that will have to be made.

    Having the privilege of witnessing active recovery, we are able to see more objectively what every family endures as they face addiction head on; anguished parents trying to help drug-using children, ignoring themselves as they try to hold onto their marriage, family and job; siblings, who have been ignored by loving parents while they focus all their efforts to save this sick child. Things getting so out of control under their own roof, they can hardly recognize their family. "How did we get to this place?" the distraught parent asks. "No one else could possibly be experiencing this hell," they incorrectly assume.

    This post is part of the ONDCP Stories of Hope blog series.

  • The Demon I Call Addiction

    Cross-posted from Faces and Voices of Recovery

    I was 9 yrs old when I had my 1st sip of beer.  I spit it out, but by the 7th grade I was smoking pot, cigarettes, and drinking vodka on the rocks. I left home for good when I was 15, I believe it was around 1984. I spent the years from then, until I went to prison in, October 2002 using drugs and alcohol. I wasn’t picky I would do whatever was available but my preference was crack or pills.

    I cleaned up briefly two times in all those years and that’s was only when I was pregnant with my \two sons. I have been free from prison since October 2006. Yes, I have slipped since being released, but I am clean now thanks to a po wer higher than myself.   Maybe its to help another addict, I’m not sure. I do know that I should have overdosed numerous times over, but for some reason I have been spared.

    I have my 2 sons, that I have not raised, but we are forming bonds.  The love and trust is growing everyday.

    It is a struggle. Some days it would be so “easy” to just give in to the demon I call addiction. The demon could take hold no matter how bad I didn’t want to, no matter how much I cried out to GOD to help me stop.

    I truly believe addiction is a disease that people need to acknowledge, just like cancer or aids. It is not just a “CHOICE” we make. I believe it is very hard for people that have never suffered from addiction to understand just what it is that we go through. For me personally it was to turn off my feelings, when things got to hard I popped a pill. When 1 wasn’t enough I popped two or three, ok lets get real, I snorted them. When I finally decided enough was enough and quit the last time I was up to twenty 30mg Roxies a day. Everyday I was risking my freedom, losing the home I had just bought, and losing my children again. So I reached out to friends that are clean and simply said HELP and for that I am here to tell my story.

    This post is part of the ONDCP Stories of Hope blog series.

  • I am Grateful for Recovery

    Cross-posted from Faces and Voices of Recovery

    My son Aaron was 17 when he said "Dad, I don't care where you go or what you do, but you gotta do something about you 'cause your killin' Mom." Aaron was in recovery and I had just decided to start attending Alanon. I went directly to the place where I was told I'd find an Alanon meeting. The sign in the entry way pointed UP to Alanon, and an arrow down to AA. I stood at the landing and walked down to AA.  

    Four and a half months later Aaron died in a car crash while on his way to drive a fellow in recovery to a job interview. Aaron's plan for his recovery was to move into a house with friends in recovery, get a job, go to school, and build on recovery with peer support. We took his idea and opened www.AaronsHouseMadison.org in August 2007. The fifth year begins this August and so far 14 young men ages 18-26 have lived at Aaron's House, gone to school, held jobs, and built on their sobriety through peer support.

    I am grateful for recovery.

    This post is part of the ONDCP Stories of Hope blog series.