International AIDS Society

Conference Objectives

AIDS 2012 – Conference theme

The conference theme, “Turning the Tide Together”, reflects a unique moment in time, emphasizing that the HIV epidemic has reached a defining moment. By acting decisively on recent scientific advances in HIV treatment and biomedical prevention, the momentum for a cure, and the continuing evidence of the ability to scale-up key interventions in the most-needed settings, we now have the potential to end the HIV epidemic.

Capturing the current sense of hope and the renewed optimism that a change of course in the epidemic is possible, “Turning the Tide Together” also serves as an urgent call to action. It acknowledges that seizing this potential and actually turning the tide on HIV and AIDS will require commitment and action on many levels: that each and every stakeholder in the HIV and AIDS response must play their role.

“Turning the Tide Together” evokes both the scale of the task in hand and the power of AIDS 2012 to mobilize governments, NGOs, policy makers, scientists, civil society organizations, journalists and people living with HIV to join forces and build the necessary momentum to turn the tide on HIV and AIDS.

Conference Goal and Objectives

AIDS 2012 will bring together leading scientists, public health experts, policy-makers and the HIV-affected community to translate recent momentous scientific advances into action that will address means to end the epidemic, within the current context of significant global economic challenges.

The Conference will have a positive impact on the HIV and AIDS response globally, and in the United States and Washington, D.C., in particular, with the following objectives;
  • To bring together the world’s scientific experts to catalyze and advance scientific knowledge about HIV, present the most recent research findings, and promote and enhance scientific collaborations around the world.
  • To bring together community leaders, scientists, and policy leaders to promote and enhance programmatic collaborations to more effectively address regional, national and local responses to HIV and AIDS around the world and overcome barriers that limit access to prevention, care and services.
  • To engage key, new and non-traditional stakeholders throughout the world in the development of and participation throughout the conference programme, especially those most engaged in the HIV and AIDS response, including women and girls, men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, sex workers, young people, people who use drugs and people involved in prevention or care programmes targeting the incarcerated.
  • To illustrate the enormity of the human suffering and economic cost if society fails to act on the scientific opportunities now available to reverse the epidemic.
  • To provide a platform for strengthening the responses to HIV among the diverse populations and communities impacted and develop a conference programme that reflects the diversity within the epidemic and the need to tailor strategies and solutions.
  • To increase global awareness of the continuing impact of HIV and AIDS and to re-energize global, national, and local responses to the pandemic through public health practice, science, policy, education, the media and other means.
  • To promote effective action through leadership and shared responsibility at all levels of government and society, and foster leadership in the scientific and programmatic response to the global HIV and AIDS epidemic among policy-makers, scientists and members of civil society.
  • To increase the capacity of delegates to develop, introduce, implement and advocate for effective, evidence-informed HIV and AIDS interventions in their communities, countries and regions.
  • To influence leaders, including key policy makers and donors, to increase their commitment to gender-sensitive, evidence- and human-rights informed HIV and AIDS interventions, including targeted interventions for the most at-risk communities and individuals.
  • To advance scientific progress in areas that have the potential to make significant gains in the ability to prevent and treat HIV infection, including new and improved biomedical and behavioral prevention strategies; safer, cheaper, more accessible, and effective treatment regimens both for infected individuals and for treatment as prevention research; to understand stigma, adherence and other issues related to the use of these interventions; and research that can ultimately lead to a cure.
  • To advance the knowledge, implementation and scale up of evidence-informed HIV and AIDS strategies and programmes.
  • To promote accountability among all stakeholders engaged at various levels of the response to HIV and AIDS.
  • To increase understanding of the connection between a sound and effective public health response to HIV and AIDS and, human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and development priorities among key stakeholders involved in these distinct fields.
  • To increase understanding of the synergistic relationship between the scale up of the HIV and AIDS response and other global health goals, as strong systems of care and respect for human rights provide the foundation for advancing these goals.
  • To provide opportunities for multi-stakeholder dialogue to develop creative solutions to unresolved challenges in research, implementation of HIV policies and programmes, and optimizing the benefits of ensuring more integrated health care systems.
  • To bring renewed awareness of and commitment to addressing the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the United States and the broad disparities in access to treatment, care and effective prevention interventions which exist both in the country and around the world.
Conference Principles
  • Be inclusive of people living with HIV and key affected populations, and optimize mechanisms for meaningful participation.
  • Be transparent in the way that the conference is planned and implemented.
  • Ensure gender equality in representation at all levels of the planning and in the implementation of the conference.
  • Develop a robust, comprehensive programme to present the most current science, best medical practice information, and community experience.