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Nov 3, 2011

GOP Hiding BP and Other Oil Spill CEOs from Congress

Committee GOP Votes Down Democratic Motion to Subpoena CEOs
Oct 4, 2011

Time for an Oceans Plan

Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) speaks to President Obama's National Oceans Policy during the Natural Resources Committee oversight hearing on October 6, 2011. "Opposing ocean planning is like opposing air traffic control... It is time for our nation to have an ocean plan"
Jul 26, 2011

House GOP wilderness legislation: Benefits for Corporate America

Ranking Member Markey's opening statement on HR 1581 during the Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands legislative hearing on July 26, 2011.
Jul 25, 2011

A Toxic Proposal: GOP Interior Appropriations bill

Ranking Member Markey debates the GOP's Interior Appropriations bill on the House Floor.
Jun 29, 2011

Are Nuclear Plants in the U.S. Safe?

Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, June 29, 2011
