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Community Preparedness Webinar Series

Zombie Awareness: Effective Practices in Promoting Disaster Preparedness  

Recorded September 6, 2012

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Are you ready for a “Zombie Apocalypse?” Join FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division and on September 6 as they present a FREE Webinar about zombie preparedness. While the walking dead may not be first on your list of local hazards, zombie preparedness messages and activities have proven to be an effective way of engaging new audiences who may not be familiar with what to do before, during, or after a disaster, and to inject a little levity into preparedness while still informing and educating people.  As director of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack."

Listen as speakers introduce fun and innovative emergency preparedness activities for communities to spark some attention and get people involved before it’s too late. These activities can be planned in September, during National Preparedness Month and executed just in time for Halloween.

Featured Speakers Include:

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