District of Idaho


For Immediate Release

August 28, 2012

Wendy J. Olsen, United States Attorney

Contact: Pamela berg
(208) 334-1211

California Man to Serve 10 Years for Drug Trafficking and Related Gun Crime

BOISE – Stephen Na, 20, of Santa Rosa, CA, was sentenced today to 120 months in prison for trafficking in cocaine and methamphetamine, and possession of a firearm in furtherance of those crimes, U.S. Attorney Wendy J. Olson announced. Chief U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill also ordered Na to serve four years of supervised release following his prison term. He pled guilty to the charge in June, after a jury had been assembled to try the case in federal court.

According to court records, Na was stopped for speeding on July 18, 2011, while traveling on State Highway 95 in Owyhee County, Idaho. During the stop, Na admitted to an Owyhee County deputy sheriff that he had marijuana on his person and gave written and oral consent to search his vehicle. In the vehicle, the deputy found a duffle bag containing methamphetamine, cocaine, a loaded .22 semi-automatic pistol, and additional ammunition. After being advised of his rights, Na admitted that the duffle bag was his; that the duffle bag contained methamphetamine and cocaine; and that the pistol found in the duffle bag belonged to him. Na further admitted that he was delivering the methamphetamine to a man he met in Idaho about three weeks earlier, and that he was bringing the cocaine to party with and for his own use. Na stated that he bought the handgun off the street in California for $160 and carried it for protection. In court, Na admitted that the gun was possessed in furtherance of his drug trafficking crimes.

The Drug Enforcement Administration's Western Laboratory in San Francisco, California, confirmed the drugs were methamphetamine and cocaine, and determined, based on purity, that the methamphetamine contained 18.8 grams of actual methamphetamine. The handgun was administratively forfeited.

"Ten years is a just sentence for Mr. Na," said Olson. "Firearms and drug traffickers pose significant dangers to Idaho communities. I commend the state and federal law enforcement officers who worked cooperatively to protect the public from Mr. Na's criminal activity."

"This case is an outstanding example of law enforcement working together with the U.S. Attorney's Office to bring Na to justice," said Kelvin Crenshaw, Special Agent in Charge for the ATF Seattle Field Division. "ATF is committed to working with our federal, state, and local partners to reduce violent crime."

The case was investigated by ATF, the DEA, and the Owyhee County Sheriff's Office. It was prosecuted by the Special Assistant U.S. Attorney hired by the Treasure Valley Partnership and the State of Idaho to address gang crimes. The Treasure Valley Partnership is comprised of a group of elected officials in Southwest Idaho dedicated to regional coordination, cooperation, and collaboration on creating coherent regional growth. For more information, visit treasurevalleypartners.org.
