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Rep. Barletta believes that as gas prices continue to rise, the United States needs to be better positioned to fuel our country in the months and years to come.

Despite having more than 1.2 trillion barrels of oil available domestically, the United States currently imports 63 percent of its fuel from foreign countries – many of which don’t like us.

Unfortunately, tapping into those domestic resources has been significantly delayed due to the de facto drilling moratorium that the Obama Administration has placed on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and throughout the rest of the country. The Obama Administration also rejected the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have imported oil from Canada (our largest foreign trading partner) and created 20,000 jobs.

Instead, much of our energy continues to come from the Middle East, a tremendously unstable region. Our dependence on Middle Eastern oil is a toxic habit that leaves our nation vulnerable to supply disruptions and deprives us of important economic benefits.

Meanwhile, gasoline prices at the pump have doubled, from $1.79 a gallon for regular unleaded in January 2009 to $3.59 a gallon for regular unleaded in January 2012.

Increasing our domestic production will alleviate our reliance on foreign oil, give certainty to the market, decrease prices, and create jobs.

Rep. Barletta supports three key components of the America Energy Initiative:

  • H.R. 1229 – Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
  • H.R. 1230 – Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
  • H.R. 1231 – Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

All three bills passed the House of Representatives with Rep. Barletta’s vote. The measures are currently awaiting passage by the Senate. If signed into law by the president, these three pieces of legislation would safely end the Obama Administration’sde factomoratorium in the Gulf of Mexico; require the administration to promptly conduct offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Virginia; and lift the president’s ban on new offshore drilling by requiring the administration to move forward in the 2012-2017 lease plan with energy production in areas containing the most oil and natural gas resources.

Rep. Barletta also supports increased exploration and use of domestic natural gas. In Northeastern Pennsylvania, for instance, the Marcellus shale rock formation is one of the largest natural gas reserves in the hemisphere. Rep. Barletta believes this resource can be safely explored and tapped. By using smart practices and harnessing technology, natural gas from Marcellus shale can make the United States a leader in energy production.

When it comes to alternatives, Rep. Barletta believes “green” energy sources are best developed by private companies and research universities. Alternative energy holds promise and potential, but the United States will be reliant on liquid fuels for decades to come.

If you would like more information on this issue, please contact my Washington, DC, office.