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Energy & Global Warming


America needs a “Do It All, Do It Right” Energy Policy to take on the twin threats of global climate change and American dependence on foreign oil. These threats also present an unprecedented opportunity for our country.  With policies that encourage the production of clean energy, we can create a clean energy economy that leads the world in producing the jobs of the future.  This will require a commitment that matches the scale of the challenges we face.

Doing It All -- A Diverse Energy Portfolio

We can take control of our energy security by producing moreenergy here at home from a diverse portfolio of power sources including renewable energy, natural gas, enhanced domestic oil production, safe nuclear power, real clean coal technology and energy efficiency and conservation.  By “doing it all” here in the U.S.A., we can put our nation on a path towards energy independence by ending our dangerous reliance on  foreign oil controlled by regimes in some of the most unstable regions in the world.

Doing It Right -- Transitioning to a Clean Energy Economy

The threat of global warming is unequivocally real and transitioning to a clean energy economy is a commitment that we owe to future generations.  As part of that transition, we must ensure that if we are to continue the development of fossil fuel based power plants, it must be done in  a way that has a minimal impact on the environment and paves the way for drastically lowering the amount of pollution that our power plants emit.

Renewable Electricity Standard

The first piece of legislation I introduced as a United States Senator was a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES). Enacting my RES – legislation I successfully fought to pass in the House – would create thousands of American jobs that cannot be outsourced and help revitalize rural America. With an abundance of wind, sun and ingenuity, New Mexico has the potential to be a leader in the clean energy economy.  I will work with my colleagues in the Senate to move America forward in this crucial area.

Office Locations

  • Albuquerque
    219 Central Ave NW
    Suite 210
    Albuquerque, NM 87102
    (505) 346-6791

  • Carlsbad
    102 W. Hagerman Street
    Suite A
    Carlsbad, NM 88220
    (575) 234-0366

  • Las Cruces
    201 N. Church Street
    Suite 201B
    Las Cruces, NM 88001 
    (575) 526-5475

  • Santa Fe
    120 South Federal Place
    Suite 302
    Santa Fe, NM 87501
    (505) 988-6511

  • Washington, DC
    110 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington DC, 20510
    (202) 224-6621

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