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Atlas Drop 11
Meet Sgt. Reynolds
Fuel donuts for sustainability
Route clearance vehicles
Balikatan 11 highlights
Warrior task training in Iraq
Driver's training
Balikatan 2011 K-9 training
Month of the Military Child
PT at the Pentagon
Rucking in the snow
RDECOM's Task Force Warrior
Preventing hearing loss
CCP certification exercise
U.S. Army chaplains
2011 SHARP Summit
Kuwait's 50/20 celebration
Meet a combat cameraman
Acupuncture for Soldiers
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U.S. Army
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Total Upload Views:
Feb 20, 2007
Last Visit Date:
15 hours ago
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The U.S. Army's Office of the Chief of Public Affairs is the epicenter for telling the U.S. Army's story. Videos displayed here are a genuine representation of the Army's efforts worldwide.

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soldiersmediacenter subscribed to carlislemwr (3 days ago)
soldiersmediacenter subscribed to afterdeployment (3 days ago)
soldiersmediacenter subscribed to 3HBCT3ID (4 days ago)
soldiersmediacenter uploaded a new video (5 days ago)
Sgt. Kamowa Reynolds explains his role in Operation New Dawn in Iraq.
soldiersmediacenter uploaded a new video (5 days ago)
Cpt. Robert Small, environmental area manager at Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan, explains how volunteers are recycling paper products and turning them i...   more
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