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Videos: Briefings

Media Round Table with Maj. Gen. Richard Longo


Media Round Table with Maj. Gen. Richard Longo

Courtesy Video | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 08.08.2012

Major General Richard Longo the Director for Task Force 2010 discusses Anti-Corruption at a media round table with Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz in Kabul, Afghanistan. View Video

Army IMCOM commander remarks at Association of Defense Communities


Army IMCOM commander remarks at Association of Defense Communities

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.06.2012

LTG Michael Ferriter, Commander, Army Installation Management Command and Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management delivers a keynote address at the 2012 Association of Defense Communities Annual Conference, in Monterey, CA. View Video

Panetta remarks at the Association of Defense Communities annual meeting


Panetta remarks at the Association of Defense Communities annual meeting

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.06.2012

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta delivers the keynote remarks at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association of Defense Communities in Monterey, CA. View Video

Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz


Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz

Courtesy Video | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 08.06.2012

German Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz, International Security Assistance Forces spokesperson and Dominic Medley, NATO senior civilian representative spokesperson, brief the media about current operations in Afghanistan. They then answers questions from the media. View Video

Panetta holds press conference with Japanese defense minister


Panetta holds press conference with Japanese defense minister

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 08.03.2012

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Japan's Minister of Defense Satoshi Morimoto conduct a joint press conference at the Pentagon. View Video

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