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TitleIdentifierPosting DateDescription
067_fd_fr.pdf 067_fd_fr.pdf 9/12/12 12:14 PM 067_fd_fr.pdf
2012 - Notice of Final Determination Against Acknowledgment of the Brothertown Indian Nation 9/12/12 10:03 AM FR Notice published 9/12/12.
2012 - Notice of Tribal Listening Sessions on Sacred Sites on Federal Lands 9/11/12 10:40 AM FR Notice published 9/11/12.
2012 - Notice of Meetings; Osage Negotiated Rulemaking Committee 9/11/12 10:38 AM FR Notice published 9/11/12.
067_fd_pr.pdf 9/10/12 2:05 PM 067_fd_pr.pdf
067_fd_fr_signed.pdf 067_fd_fr_signed.pdf 9/6/12 2:52 PM 067_fd_fr_signed.pdf
067_fd.pdf 067_fd.pdf 9/6/12 2:52 PM 067_fd.pdf
2012 - Notice of Reservation Proclamation: Proclaiming Certain Lands, Sugar Parcel Lands, as an Addition to the Bay Mills Indian Reservation for the Bay Mills Indian Community of Michigan 9/5/12 12:34 PM FR Notice published 9/5/12.
2012 - Notice of Reservation Proclamation: Proclaiming Certain Lands, Dafter Parcel, as an Addition to the Bay Mills Indian Reservation for the Bay Mills Indian Community of Michigan 9/5/12 12:32 PM FR Notice published 9/5/12.
2012 - Notice of Draft EIS for the Proposed Seminole Tribe of Fla Fee-to-Trust Project 8/31/12 8:46 AM FR Notice published 8/31/12.
DFWFM Job Listing - August 30, 2012 8/30/12 8:22 PM
2012 - Notice of Meeting of the Secretarial Commission on Indian Trust Administration and Reform (September) 8/29/12 9:55 AM FR Notice published 8/29/12.
2012 - Notice of Request for Nominations of Members to Serve on the BIE Advisory Board for Exceptional Children 8/29/12 9:54 AM FR Notice published 8/29/12.
20 IAM 8 - Capital Planning and Investment Control 8/27/12 3:43 PM This chapter provides guidance regarding the CPIC process. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 7 - Program Review and Assessment 8/27/12 3:41 PM This chapter provides guidance regarding program reviews as required by GPRA and GPRAMA. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 6 - Performance Cost Data and Modeling 8/27/12 3:39 PM This chapter provides guidance regarding the managerial cost management, modeling and reporting process in compliance with several regulatory and Departmental requirements. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 5 - Indian Affairs Performance Management System 8/27/12 3:38 PM This chapter describes the IA-PMS and the support activities performed by the Office of Planning and Performance Management. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 4 - Annual Performance-based Budget 8/27/12 3:36 PM This chapter describes the annual performance-based budget process and the support activities performed by the Office of Planning and Performance Management. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 3 - Annual Performance Plan and Report 8/27/12 3:35 PM This chapter describes the support activities performed by the Office of Planning and Performance Management in the development and submission of the Department's Annual Performance Plan & Report. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 2 - Strategic Planning 8/27/12 3:33 PM This chapter describes the strategic planning support activities performed by the Office of Planning and Performance Management for Indian Affairs. Approved 8/23/12.
20 IAM 1 - Overview and Responsibilities (with Transmittal) 8/27/12 3:29 PM This chapter provides a general overview of performance management responsibilities carried out by the Office of Planning and Performance Management (and the signed Transmittal sheet for chapters 1-8). Approved 8/23/12.
2012 - NOI to Prepare an EIS for the Proposed Pokagon Band Tribal Village Fee-to-Trust Acquisition and Casino Project in South Bend, Indiana 8/24/12 10:51 AM FR Notice published 8/24/12.
Guidance on Prevention Promotion Items 8/21/12 4:06 PM
2011 - Notice: Res Proclamation - Lot 32, Addition to Bay Mills Indian Reservation 8/21/12 1:26 PM FR Notice published 1/13/2011. Corrected version of original Notice reposted on the RACA website (original was missing page 2).
2012 - Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Water Delivery and Electric Service Data for Operation of Irrigation and Power Projects and Systems; Request for Comments 8/21/12 8:42 AM FR Notice published 8/20/12.