About EIA

EIA will not host a conference in 2012.

2011 EIA Energy Conference Presentations

The 2011 EIA Energy Conference brings together thought leaders from industry, government, and academia to discuss current and future challenges facing energy markets and policymakers.


Plenary Session

Long-Term U.S. Energy Outlook: Different Perspectives

The Future of OCS After Macondo

Lunch Keynote

  • Gene Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
    (Presentation not available.)

Transportation and the Environment

Intelligent Electric Systems

Electricity and the Environment

Energy & Financial Market Linkages

Meeting China's Energy Demand

The Future of Domestic Onshore Oil and Gas

Energy Demand, Efficiency, and Consumer Behavior

Game Changers

Post Conference Session: Energy Data Challenges and Choices