
Cookie Monster. (USO photo by Joseph Andrew Lee)
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Q&A: Cookie Monster Discusses Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

By Christian Pelusi 

We're here with the world famous Cookie Monster. The big blue eating machine kindly (cookie) cut out some time from his busy schedule to answer some burning questions via email as he and his furry gang of goofball buddies continue to tour the country as part of the Sesame Street/USO Experience for Military Families.

Q. What was the first cookie you ever had?
Cookie Monster: Me first cookie was a chocolate chippy … it was sooooo good! 

Q. How did you get hooked on cookies?
CM: Me mommy baked me cookies when me was a wee little monster and it was love at first bite. 

Q. What is your favorite kind of cookie?
CM: It is SO hard for me to pick me favorite kind of cookie but me would probably say chocolate chippy or a nice snicker doodle.  

Q. If you had three wishes, what would they be?
CM: Cookies, cookies and more cookies! 

Q. Why do you eat those cookies so quickly?
CM: Me just get so excited! But me mommy tells me to slow down. She says safety first! 

Q. Are you still able to enjoy how delicious they are?
CM: Me can always enjoy a delicious cookie! 

Q. If you couldn’t have a cookie for dessert, what would you have?
CM: Me an equal opportunity eater … me like nice, crunchy carrots. Or bicycles. 

Check out where Cookie Monster and the gang will be headed to next with our tour calendar and view a map that shows where the tour has been so far this year.

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Photo caption: A child reaches out to touch Cookie Monster during a Sesame Street / USO Experience show at the Wallace Theater at Ft. Belvoir, Va., on May 16. (USO photo by Joseph Andrew Lee) 


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