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2007 International Regulators Offshore Safety Conference

"Improving Offshore Safety Through International Cooperation"

Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne.During the 2007 International Regulators’ Offshore Safety Conference, regulators and industry representatives discussed management practices critical to maintaining safe operations on offshore oil and gas facilities worldwide. Leading government and industry experts from 20 nations shared their best practices for safe exploration and production of offshore oil and gas at the conference December 3-6 in Miami, Florida.

Conference discussions focused on offshore oil and gas structures and facilities, aging infrastructures, maintenance, verification, workforce competency and safety Ellen Seip, Secretary General of the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, presents one of three Carolita Kallaur Awards to Theo Bergers, accepting on behalf of the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association. management systems.

During the conference, the Carolita Kallaur Award for Leadership and International Safety Achievement was presented to the International Association of  Drilling Contractors (IADC), the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEAPA), and Petrobras.

Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne addresses the conference delegates.
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne
addresses the conference delegates.        


IRF Member Agencies:

Australia: National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority
Brazil: Agencia de Nacional de Petroleo
Canada: Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
Canada: Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Netherlands: State Supervision of Mines
New Zealand: Occupational Health and Safety Service of Department of Labour
Norway: Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
Health and Safety Executive