Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States

These tables present a sequence of accounts that relate production, income and spending, capital formation, financial transactions, and asset revaluations to changes in net worth between balance sheets for the major sectors of the U.S. economy. They are part of an interagency effort to further harmonize the BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) and the Federal Reserve Board Flow of Funds Accounts (FFAs).

The structure of these tables is based on the internationally accepted set of guidelines for the compilation of national accounts that are offered in the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA). The estimates that are currently displayed are based on the data that were available in the NIPAs and FFAs on June 7, 2012.

Cautionary note on the use of the integrated macroeconomic accounts - The tables and estimates that are provided on this page are based on a unique set of accounting standards that are founded on the SNA. Accordingly, some of the estimates in these tables will differ from the official estimates that are published in the NIPAs and FFAs due to conceptual differences. There will also be some statistical differences between the estimates in these tables and those in the related accounts. For further information on the conceptual differences, see the paper referenced below.

NEW!   The Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts have now been expanded to include quarterly estimates back to 1960, which is the first year for which annual data are published.


Data Tables

     Data Availability Legend: (A) Annually    (Q) Quarterly    (M) Monthly    

Annual Data
     S.1.a Total Economy - Current Account (A)
     S.2.a Selected Aggregates for Total Economy and Sectors (A)
     S.3.a Households and Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households (A)
     S.4.a Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business (A)
     S.5.a Nonfinancial Corporate Business (A)
     S.6.a Financial Business (A)
     S.7.a Federal Government (A)
     S.8.a State and Local Governments (A)
     S.9.a Rest of the World (A)

Quarterly Data
     S.1.q Total Economy - Current Account (Q)
     S.2.q Selected Aggregates for Total Economy and Sectors (Q)
     S.3.q Households and Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households (Q)
     S.4.q Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business (Q)
     S.5.q Nonfinancial Corporate Business (Q)
     S.6.q Financial Business (Q)
     S.7.q Federal Government (Q)
     S.8.q State and Local Governments (Q)
     S.9.q Rest of the World (Q)


Additional Tables

  • Relation of BEA's Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Equipment and Software to the Corresponding Items in the Federal Reserve Board's Flow of Funds Accounts | PDF |

  • Relation of BEA's Current-Cost Net Stock of Private Structures to the Corresponding Items in the Federal Reserve Board's Flow of Funds Accounts | PDF |

  • Previously published estimates contain historical data and have since been revised.


  • Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States : SCB, February 2007 | PDF |

Additional References

  • For additional background on the development of these tables, see Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States: Draft SNA-USA | PDF |
    Tables in this paper are also available in XLS format and include data from 1985-2002.

  • For general information on the FFAs, see

Contact Information

  • For inquiries related to the current accounts in the tables on this page, please contact Lisa Lynn by phone at (202) 606-5562.

  • For inquiries related to the other accounts in the tables on this page, please contact Susan Hume McIntosh by phone at (202) 452-3484.