Children, Youth, and Teen Programs

Children, Youth, and Teen ProgramsChildren, Youth, and Teen Programs focus on the needs of families in order to provide maximum access to useful, flexible, and affordable programs such as child development, social, and recreational programs. Children, youth and teens, ages 6 weeks to 18 years, shall be served in integrated, balanced, quality programs that support the continuum of the Marine family, on and off the installation.


Children, Youth, and Teen Programs (CYTP) will improve the quality of child care in a variety of integrated, balanced, quality programs for eligible children ages 6 weeks to 18 years.  Accessibility, availability, and affordability are key components of CYTP.  These programs are significant to military and civilian personnel's quality of life which is supported via Marine and Family Programs provided aboard Marine Corps installations and through contractual partnerships with public and private organizations.  It is the Marine Corps intent to assist in providing children, youth and teen services to support operational readiness, mission accomplishment, and retention.