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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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Tools, Training, and Information


AmeriCorps offers organizations an abundance of resources to help establish and manage effective service and member programs.

The Resource Center

The Resource Center is a clearinghouse of more than 5,000 materials designed to strengthen national service and volunteer programs – including free downloadable forms, documents, and tools; a specialized collection of books, videos, and other publications on loan; the Effective Practices Collection, now 800 strong; a growing catalog of self-paced online courses;  and more. It’s a one-stop website with content generated by the CNCS network of training and technical assistance providers and experts  to serve all of your program needs.

Discover incredible resources related to national and community service – search the website, browse by topic, and connect and collaborate with other service professionals:

Effective Practices

AmeriCorps Program Guidance and Provisions


Both official and sample forms are available online. Official forms are those required by AmeriCorps to manage and report on grants. Sample forms, which are not official, have been provided by grantees and others and can be adapted to suit your own program needs.

Recruit Members for Your Project

To assist you in reaching a national pool of potential members, you can list your program opportunities in the online My AmeriCorps Recruitment System.

Additional Tools and Resources

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