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Banner for New Mexico National Guard with Beyond the Standard text, our motto

NM Minuteman Magazine
Click to download recent and archived issues of the Minuteman.

Welcome to New Mexico National Guard
Beyond the Standard

The NMNG Vision

The New Mexico National Guard will be a flexible, viable, and relevant community-oriented military force immediately deployable for state and federal missions here and abroad. Our members will embody the warrior spirit, always physically fit, trained, combat ready, values-based, and consistently performing beyond the standard. We will be a nationally recognized leader in training and security, able to conduct a full spectrum of missions in any environment.
Our missions are dangerous - we will protect our team by managing risk in all that we do.

** Winter Safety **

'No time to chill'

U.S. CRC Fall and Winter Safety website
Visit the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center for interactive tips for a safe winter season.
This campaign urges all Soldiers, civilians and family members to prepare for cold weather activities through awareness, education and information. The theme reminds audiences that even though the temperatures are colder, the fall and winter months are "no time to chill" when it comes to safety and risk management (U.S. CRC)
Fall and Winter Campaign Launch Release.pdf
Tips for winterizationSafety Gram 10-04 Are You Winterized.pdf