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The Army G-8: Soldiers as our Centerpiece

The Army G-8 is the Army’s lead for matching available resources to the defense strategy and the Army plan. We accomplish this through participation in OSD–led defense reviews and assessments, the programming of resources, materiel integration, analytical and modeling capabilities, and the management of the Department of the Army studies and analyses.  The G-8 team is made up of one field operating agency—the Center for Army Analysis (CAA), three directorates—the Army Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Office, Program Analysis & Evaluation (PAED), and Force Development (FD),—and the Army Study Program Management Office (ASPMO).  The G-8 team works to plan, develop, and resource programs supporting Soldiers by balancing Current Force needs with Future Force capabilities.

Army Modernization Plan

The Army Equipment Modernization Plan 2013 summarizes how the Army's Research Development and Acquisition budget request is linked to the Army's strategy and reflects an affordable approach using incremental modernization. It provides an overview of the Army's Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Objectives, Priority Materiel Programs and Portfolio Strategies. With a balanced equipment modernization strategy, the Army will remain on track to equip a smaller force without sacrificing its decisive edge.

AIMS White Paper

The Affordable and Integrated Army Equipment Modernization White Paper provides an Army perspective on ways we can maintain our battlefield primacy in an era of persistent conflict with reduced resources. The White Paper challenges us to better align our modernization development community to collaboratively provide capabilities to today and the future at best value given available resources. The goal of Army Equipment Modernization is to develop and field a versatile and affordable mix of equipment that will enable our Soldiers to succeed in full-spectrum operations today and tomorrow, ensuring that we maintain our decisive advantage over any enemy we face. This White Paper is focused on our Soldiers and units - and it will help us achieve our modernization goals.