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Podcast Episodes

Fresno Dam Spillway

Episode 13: Marias / Milk River Division Recreation Opportunities

Podcast Date: August 20, 2012

Running Time: 4 minutes 37 seconds

Synopsis: Tucked away in north central Montana, not far from the Canadian border, is a recreation area that allows visitors to get under some serious big sky without having to venture too far from civilization.

Episode 13: Marias / Milk River Division Recreation Opportunities      [Text Transcript]

Red River Valley

Episode 12: National Environmental Policy Act

Podcast Date: May 31, 2012

Running Time: 5 minutes 20 seconds

Synopsis: More than 40 years ago, the first major environmental law in the United States was passed by Congress and signed into Law by President Richard Nixon.

The National Environmental Policy Act, better known as NEPA, established the nation's environmental policies and requires agencies to consider the effects of their proposed actions before making decisions.

Episode 12: National Environmental Policy Act      [Text Transcript]

Jeff Ticknor breaking ice loose at Altus Dam

Episode 11: Rope Access Team

Podcast Date: September 28, 2011

Running Time: 6 minutes 37 seconds

Synopsis: A key element of managing water or electric power...or any other resource for that matter, is moving it from where it's abundant or being where's it's in short supply.

In the case of Reclamation, this often requires large complex structures built in canyons, or other areas where access to inspect, maintain and repair is difficult, dangerous or cost-prohibitive.

Episode 11: Rope Access Team      [Text Transcript]

Burying pipeline on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Episode 10: Rural Water Benefiting Tribal Communities

Podcast Date: June 3, 2011

Running Time: 4 minutes 42 seconds

Synopsis: Throughout the American West, the abundance or lack of a dependable water supply has made the difference between a thriving community and a barren landscape.

For many rural towns and Tribal lands, the cost and complexity of building and operating the infrastructure needed to pump and treat water is beyond available local resources. Founded by Theodore Roosevelt in 1902, Reclamation has been given the role of leadership in water projects for municipal, industrial and rural uses.

Episode 10: Rural Water Benefiting Tribal Communities      [Text Transcript]

Pipe being laid for the Lewis and Clark Rural Water System

Episode 9: Rural Water Benefiting Communities Large and Small

Podcast Date: April 4, 2011

Running Time: 4 minutes 36 seconds

Synopsis: In many parts of the Great Plains Region, rivers are few and far between, while groundwater is scarce and often contaminated with naturally occurring elements that make it unfit to drink.

Rural residents have historically had to haul water considerable distances at great expense and effort.

A number of federally authorized Reclamation projects involve partnering with rural water system and small municipalities to build the needed infrastructure to assure safe and reliable supplies for residential, agricultural and industrial needs.

Episode 9: Rural Water Benefiting Communities Large and Small      [Text Transcript]

An image of McGee Creek Reservoir in Oklahoma showing a portion of the dam, reservoir and the intake for a municipal water pipeline.

Episode 8: Where The Water Goes

Podcast Date: March 24, 2010

Running Time: 5 minutes 53 seconds

Synopsis: Can we interest you in some slightly used water? in fact, pretty much all the water there is on earth has been here from the time the planet was formed.

What this means is that when water is used for something, say irrigating crops in the field or making that cup of coffee you had this morning, its's not used up. Eventually it will end up back in what's called the hydrologic cycle.

Episode 8: Where the water goes      [Text Transcript]

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Episode 7: Clean. Green. Hydropower

Podcast Date: February 1, 2010

Running Time: 9 minutes 10 seconds

Synopsis: Reclamation has a long history of helping provide the economic underpinning for economies in the western United States...We were created by President Theodore Roosevelt over a hundred years ago to do just that, to help bring water and power to the western United States.

With the Advent of World War II, the nation's need for energy soared...electricity to operate factories was in short supply, and hydropower proved one of the best ways to fill that need. By 1945, Reclamation power plants...

Episode 7: Clean. Green. Hydropower


Photo of Bob Belongie working on the Community Involvement Podcast.

Episode 6: Community Involvement

Podcast Date: October 27, 2009

Running Time: 7 minutes 52 seconds

Synopsis: Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest supplier of hydroelectric power in the nation...but those hundreds of federal employees are also members of their community.

From public education to stepping in to lend a hand during natural or man-made disasters, Reclamation is actively engaged in local as well as regional events and activities.

Episode 6: Community Involvement      [Text Transcript]

Photo of two least terns.

Episode 5: Platte River Recovery Program: Past, present, future

Podcast Date: August 18, 2009

Running Time: 10 minutes 33 seconds

Synopsis: Supplying water to residents, businesses, and agriculture while protecting the environment and species diversity can be a difficult balance to maintain.
The US Bureau of Reclamation, in partnership with a number of Federal, State and Local agencies, is taking part in an ambitious project to help threatened and endangered species on the Platte River, which runs through portions of Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska.

Episode 5: Platte River Recovery Program: Past, present, future      [Text Transcript]

Water falling on two red geraniums.

Episode 4: Be Water Smart - Not Water Short

Podcast Date: July 10, 2009

Running Time: 9 minutes 8 seconds

Synopsis: It's a simple thing we do time after time without a second thought. But the management of water is what makes civilized life possible.
In fact, water makes life possible…period. It makes up one quarter of your bones, two-thirds of your body weight and all but seventeen percent of your blood volume.

Episode 4: Be Water Smart - Not Water Short      [Text Transcript]

Front Cover of Otto Otter For Safe Canals Coloring Book

Episode 3: Water Wise with Otto Otter

Podcast Date: May 15, 2009

Running Time: 9 minutes 36 seconds

Synopsis: For millions of visitors, spring means it's time to pack up and head for the nearest reservoir for fun and recreation on the water. Swimming, boating, jet skiing, sailing or trying your luck with a rod and
reel are great ways to get away from it all and beat the heat all summer long. However you mix water and fun, the most important thing is to enjoy it safely...

Episode 3: Water Wise with Otto Otter      [Text Transcript]

Otto Otter: For Safe Canals (Coloring Book: in English and Spanish)

Boys fishing at accessible pond at Pueblo State Park below Pueblo Dam, Colorado

Episode 2: Hunting & Fishing on Reclamation Lands

Podcast Date: April 15, 2009

Running Time: 8 minutes 40 seconds

Synopsis: Federal Public Lands in the Great Plains Region are remarkable for the many natural resources and diverse recreation opportunities they offer. Hunting & fishing is often permitted on lands and waters administered by the Bureau of Reclamation... however, specific areas may be closed to all hunting, fishing or trapping, or there may be restrictions on some species during certain times of the year.

Episode 2: A Hunting We will Go      [Text Transcript]

Size comparison of mussels in relation to a dime

Episode 1: Mussel Beach

Podcast Date: March 16, 2009

Running Time: 8 minutes 30 seconds

Synopsis: Quagga and zebra mussels are tiny shellfish usually no larger than your fingernail, but these invertebrates represent an insidious threat to our waterways and other vital national infrastructure. Reclamation's Great Plains Region is instrumental in the effort to fight the spread of these aquatic invaders. This audio program explores the subject of invasive species, which are responsible for millions of dollars in damage each year to water systems, infrastructure and boats.

Episode 1: Mussel Beach      [Text Transcript]

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Last Updated: August 20, 2012

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