Volunteers for Prosperity USAID Logo

Volunteering Opportunities

For Volunteers

Volunteers for Prosperity is committed to continue finding innovative ways to incorporate volunteers into the design and implementation of development work around the world.  Together, USAID’s Volunteers for Prosperity and the American people are delivering solutions to meet development challenges, every day, everywhere.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Volunteer Requirements

Highly-skilled American professionals such as doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, economists, computer specialists, financial sector professionals, business executives and others with specialized technical expertise and significant practical experience are eligible volunteer candidates. Those interested in becoming volunteers should review the list of VfP partners to determine which best fit their capabilities and interests.
The basic requirements for participating in the VfP program are as follows:

  • The volunteer must be a U.S. Citizen
  • The volunteer must be at least 18 years of age
  • The volunteer must have at least 3 years of professional experience in a related field

How the Office of Volunteers for Prosperity Can Help

The role of Volunteers for Prosperity is to serve as a clearinghouse for international voluntary opportunities.  For information about volunteer opportunities with VfP partners see our Partner Organizations page(hyperlink: Partner Organizations).  There is also a search engine on the VfP website that links to a database of announcements for specific international voluntary opportunities. The search engine makes it easier for skilled Americans to volunteer overseas.  Just select an interest category and click "Find Opportunities Now".  

Additionally, VfP manages the Volunteers for Prosperity Service Incentive Program (VFPServe) which is a public-private partnership of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), highly skilled American professionals and U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The program aims to improve the affordability of short-term international volunteering through matching grants for individuals volunteering in USAID priority sectors.  To read more click here.

Connect With a VfP Partner

Select a category below to see partner organizations with opportunities around the world:

For a complete list of Volunteers for Prosperity business and organization participants, please see our List of VfP Partners.

Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers participating in the initiative are eligible to earn the President's Volunteer Service Award, honoring their dedication to service.  Any adult who completes 100 or more hours of volunteer service at home or abroad within a 12 month period is eligible to receive the award. Nominations for awards are made by the participating organizations that have become certifying organizations.

Each award package includes a note of congratulations from the President, a letter from the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation, a certificate of achievement and a lapel pin. This award can be a tangible way for sponsoring American organizations to recognize the efforts of their U.S. citizen volunteers. For more information about the President's Volunteer Service Award, please visit www.presidentialserviceawards.gov.

Find an Opportunity
Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East Latin America & the Caribbean Europe & Eurasia World Map

Sub-Saharan Africa  |  Asia
Middle East  |  Europe & Eurasia
Latin America & the Caribbean

Match Your Skill Set

Are you a professional who would like to use your skills to help people in developing countries? Select a category below to find VfP partners that utilize skilled American volunteers overseas.

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