Volunteers for Prosperity USAID Logo

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About VfP

About Volunteers for Prosperity (VfP)

Americans engaged in international volunteer services, and the organizations deploying them play a critical role in responding to the needs of people living throughout the developing world, and advancing the international public diplomacy of the United States.  The Volunteers for Prosperity program (VfP), managed out of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of Development Partners, successfully promotes international volunteer service by skilled American professionals. 

The VfP program supports President Barak Obama’s U.S. Global Development Policy by mobilizing skilled Americans, including doctors, nurses, engineers, business people, and teachers, through a network of over 200 nonprofit organizations and companies in the United States, to carry out development efforts for those affected by great global challenges in heath, food security, the environment, poverty, illiteracy, financial literacy, disaster relief and other areas.

Originally established in 2003 under an Executive Order, the new legislation confirmed the continued commitment of the American people to international volunteer service. On April 21, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, which included the authorization to establish Volunteers for Prosperity within the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Volunteers for Prosperity is to encourage international volunteer service by highly skilled American professionals to support strategic development goals of the U.S. Government. Volunteers for Prosperity supports the following objectives:

  • Matching skilled American volunteers to support global development
    Through a range of activities, Volunteers for Prosperity promotes international volunteer service and links experienced American professionals to volunteer with VfP Partner organizations
  • Outreach
    Volunteers for Prosperity supports a new model of private-public cooperation in foreign assistance. A wide range of organizations previously not involved in official foreign assistance ─ including smaller faith-based and community groups, trade associations, and corporations ─ are joining to help highly skilled American volunteers answer the President's call to service.
  • Recognition
    Volunteers can qualify for public recognition of their contributions through the President's Volunteer Service Award.

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