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For Immediate Release

June 01, 2012 DUSM Ben Segotta, District of New Mexico (505) 462-2330
District of New Mexico Embraces Wounded Warrior Program

Albuquerque, NM - The United States Marshal Service in New Mexico is proud to announce its’ new involvement with the Wounded Warrior program. The Warriors to Work program helps Wounded Warriors transition back into the civilian workforce by providing career counseling services and job placement assistance.

The Albuquerque Office of the United States Marshals Service has recently taken on a new volunteer from the wounded warrior program and incorporated him into the everyday administrative workings of the office. The goal of the Wounded Warrior Program partnering with the United States Marshals Service in Albuquerque is to give returning service men and women who were injured or have psychological related injuries a chance to transition from the military life to the civilian sector by offering them an opportunity to either work or volunteer so that they can learn the needed skills to start working as a civilian. Qualified candidates of the Wounded Warrior Program can earn money through the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the VA Vocational Rehab section as part of the work pay experience.

The District of New Mexico is proud to welcome Justin Tauriainen as the first Wounded Warrior Volunteer. Justin was enlisted in the United States Army from 2005 to 2009 and was based out of Fort Richardson in Alaska. He served in Iraq from October 2006 until he was injured by an Improvised Explosive Device in May of 2007. Justin left the Army in 2009 as an E-5 Sergeant. Justin currently balances his time between attending college and volunteering through the Wounded Warrior Program with the Marshals Service in Albuquerque.

"In one of its proudest moments, the Marshals Service for the District of New Mexico is honored to participate in the Wounded Warrior Program; I am grateful for the selfless service of many that serve in our Nation's Armed Services and I am truly honored that Justin and the Wounded Warrior Program is now a part of the Marshals Service Family" said United States Marshal Conrad E. Candelaria.

Additional information about the U.S. Marshals Service can be found at


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