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Learning from Unintended Outcomes -- FLA Workshop

March 18 – 22, 2013

The Facilitated Learning Analysis (FLA) is a group learning approach to review a broad spectrum of unintended outcomes or close calls ranging from escaped fires to vehicle accidents and even moderately severe injuries.

Course Goals

Course Description

Through lectures, case studies, and interaction between participants and faculty, the course will:

Nationally recognized subject matter experts serve as instructors in this course.

Target Group

The targeted audience is personnel interested and available to participate on review teams analyzing all types of accidents and near-misses.  Course participation is not limited to fire and aviation management employees.  Preference will be given to individuals with experience in risk management, safety management and accident investigations - although these are not pre-requisites.

Important Dates

Nomination Process

Please see the NAFRI nomination process page on this website

Course Coordinator: Gary Luce (520) 799-8753; fax (520) 799-8785

Course Location: NAFRI, Tucson, Arizona

Tuition: None

FLA Workshop is currently offered every year.