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Course Description - NFS – National Aerial Firefighting Academy Flight Simulation

January 29 - 31, 2013

Course Announcement

Held at:
USDA, Forest Service
Wildland Fire Training & Conference Cntr. (WFTC)
3237 Peacekeeper Way, Bldg. 200
McClellan, CA 95652

Target Group

The NFS course is for personnel who have attended the NAFA course and are interested in obtaining advanced level of flight simulation training in the wildland fire airspace environment, and to build on the knowledge obtained in the NAFA course.

Course Description

The NFS course is designed to provide aerial firefighters an advanced training experience to the NAFA course, utilizing flight simulator hardware and software, sand table exercises and classroom interaction. These simulations and problem solving exercises will enhance the aerial firefighter’s effectiveness and safety awareness by providing complex problem solving tasks while simulating a multi-aircraft fire airspace environment.

Real time fire scenarios will be utilized from simple initial attack to complex fire environments allowing the roles of Airtanker, Leadplane, Type I and II Helicopters, SEAT, MAFFS, Water Scoopers, Very Large Airtankers (VLAT’s) and Air Tactical crews to fight a fire from simulated cockpits and experience various aircraft emergencies and their responses while over a complex fire airspace.

Important Dates
Nominations Due: November 12, 2012
Notification of Selection: November 21, 2012

Nomination Process
Fill out the linked Nomination Form and Fax or Mail it to:

Donna Kreiensieck
National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute
3265 E Universal Way
Tucson, AZ 86756

For more Information on the course and how to apply, contact Course Coordinator: Donna Kreiensieck, (520) 799-8745; fax (520) 799-8785