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VfP Partner Highlight

Operation Renewed Hope
5270 SW 95th Place
Ocala, FL 34476

Phone: 352-390-3671
Fax: 352-390-3671
Email: whalker@cfl.rr.com
Web Address: http://www.operationrenewedhope.org

About Operation Renewed Hope

Operation Renewed Hope (ORH) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit Christian medical ministry that deploys volunteer medical teams to Third World nations. Our doctors, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, nurses and laymen donate their time, talent and treasure, through a week-long series of free medical clinics.

ORH medical teams are: trained for deployment to remote regions and villages; organized and equipped to be self-sustaining; and, prepared for hard work and adventure.

Future plans include building, establishing and manning medical clinics and training facilities in South America, Asia and Africa.

International Voluntary Service Activities

In 2007, ORH deployed over 200 volunteers in medical teams to Cambodia, Guyana, Mexico, Uganda and the Appalachian region of the USA.

In May, 2008, ORH deployed a medical team to Mbarara, Uganda, Africa where more than 1200 patients were treated in a series of four, one-day clinics. The team was honored to treat a tribe of pygmies who do not have access to medical treatment.

In July, 2008, a team will deploy to Rio Bravo, Mexico, and another team will deploy to Cambodia in November, 2008. Many opportunities for volunteers are available for these mission trips and registration is available at http://www.operationrenewedhope.org.

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities


Geographic Regions Africa, Latin America, and Asia


Health & Prosperity Sectors Capacity Building, Competitiveness, Education, Health, HIV/AIDS, Information & Communication Technology, Malaria, and Tsunami Relief


Types of Opportunities Other


Average Duration of Projects 7-10 days


Volunteer Profile Summary

We need medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, opticians, pharmacists, nurses, and laymen (support personnel who have servant's hearts).

We also need farmers, construction laborers, both skilled and unskilled, to assist in reconstruction efforts in re: tsunami, hurricanes and cyclone disaster relief efforts.