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Volunteering Opportunities

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VfP Partner Highlight

Medical Teams International
PO Box 10
Portland, OR 97207-0010

Phone: 503-624-1000
Fax: 503-624-1001
Email: info@medicalteams.org
Web Address: http://www.medicalteams.org


About Medical Teams International

Medical Teams International provides medical assistance in response to natural or man-made disasters around the world. In addition, we work in long-term, sustainable programs in impoverished areas of the world, including dental work and some construction projects.

We accomplish this work primarily through short-term volunteers working alongside in-country partners. In addition, we ship donated medical supplies to equip hospitals/clinics in impoverished areas. Many times, the volunteers carry in life-saving supplies as well.

Domestically, we work with volunteer dental professionals to provide free dental care via mobile clinics across the Pacific Northwest. More than 15,000 needy patients receive treatment each year.

International Voluntary Service Activities

Each year, we equip and send 1,000 volunteers for short-term overseas opportunities. These are primarily medical/dental professionals. Volunteers work as a team alongside in-country staff/partners, sometimes in established facilities... sometimes remote and portable.


Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities 1000


Geographic Regions Fr. Soviet Union; Latin America; Central Asia; Africa; Southeast Asia


Health & Prosperity Sectors Health; Capacity Building; HIV/AIDS; Tsunami Relief


Types of Opportunities Support


Average Duration of Projects 2 weeks


Volunteer Profile Summary

Licensed medical/dental professionals are assembled in a balanced team, each contributing their specific skills to a team's overall needs. Volunteers must submit an application 3-6 months in advance and go through required orientation. International travel experience is helpful, especially with developing countries. Must be an effective team player and be willing to submit to the authority of the assigned team leader. Sensitivity to other-culture issues are important as well.