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Volunteering Opportunities

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VfP Partner Highlight

Freedom House
1301 Connecticut Ave, NW, #600
Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202-296-5101
Fax: 202-293-2840
Email: avid@freedomhouse.org
Web Address: http://www.freedomhouse.org


About Freedom House

Freedom House is an independent nongovernmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom in the world. Freedom is possible only in democratic political systems in which the governments are accountable to their own people; the rule of law prevails; and freedoms of expression, association, and belief, as well as respect for the rights of minorities and women, are guaranteed.

Freedom ultimately depends on the actions of committed and courageous men and women. We support nonviolent civic initiatives in societies where freedom is denied or under threat and we stand in opposition to ideas and forces that challenge the right of all people to be free. Freedom House functions as a catalyst for freedom, democracy and the rule of law through its analysis, advocacy and action.

International Voluntary Service Activities

The American Volunteers for International Development (AVID) program was founded in 1992 as a means of providing practical training to government, nongovernmental, and media organizations in emerging democracies. Through AVID, Freedom House identifies, mobilizes, and sponsors qualified American professionals who volunteer to work side-by-side with their counterparts in emerging democracies. Freedom House seeks volunteers with experience in these key areas: non-profit management and development, advocacy, fundraising, grants management, volunteer training, public relations, political communication, legislative process, public administration, and budgeting and finance.

For the past ten years, AVID has sponsored over 190 American professionals to assist host organizations in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia-Montenegro, the Slovak Republic, and Ukraine. Czech President Vaclav Havel is the honorary Chairman of AVID.

Volunteers receive basic living expenses, roundtrip air transportation to their assignment, and medical evacuation insurance.

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities Rolling


Geographic Regions Asia & Central Europe, Russia & Former Soviet Union


Health & Prosperity Sectors Women & Youth Empowerment, Reform


Types of Opportunities Other


Average Duration of Projects 120 days


Volunteer Profile Summary

Professional Executive-Level Volunteers Sought for Short-term Assignments in Egypt

Freedom House is currently seeking individuals with demonstrated professional experience to work with civil society organizations in Egypt through the International Executive Volunteers (IEV) program for 3 months beginning in April 2009.

Volunteers must have a minimum of five years of relevant professional experience, the ability to commit to 3 months of service, and a resourceful, innovative personality. Previous overseas experience, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa is preferred.

Freedom House is in search of three volunteers to fill the following positions:

Fundraising Specialist

A fundraising specialist who has the ability to provide support in different sectors including development, environment and political has been requested. The volunteer will participate in developing the host organization�s fundraising strategic plan to help ensure continuous and sustainable funding for the organization�s activities. Arabic language skills are not required.

Nonprofit Management Specialist

A nonprofit management specialist has been requested to work with an Egyptian organization to assist them in strategic planning, fundraising, networking with donors and other international organizations. The volunteer will also be asked to help update the organization�s marketing materials to promote its projects. Spoken Arabic language skills are required.

Journalism Specialist

An independent daily newspaper has requested a volunteer to transfer and share knowledge about free media and investigative reporting. The volunteer will also be asked to provide insight on how to effectively manage newsrooms and train staff on journalism tools and techniques. Knowledge of Middle East issues and media desired. Spoken Arabic language skills are preferred but not required.

For the past several years, Freedom House has worked in Egypt supporting civil society through its New Generation of Advocates program. The New Gen program helps to empower emerging leaders in civil society who are successfully contributing to democratic reform in their countries through training in advocacy, outreach and reform strategies; as well as international exchanges to developed democracies. The IEV program seeks to complement this effort by placing professional, executive-level volunteers helping to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to more effectively carry out their missions in defending human rights, advocating for legal reforms and creating a space for free expression.

Freedom House covers international travel expenses and provides a housing allowance and a modest daily living stipend for the duration of the volunteer assignment.

To learn more about the International Executive Volunteers program or to have the application sent to you, please contact Jenai Green. Please send completed application, cover letter, and resume by email or fax to:

Jenai Green
Senior Program Officer, Exchanges
Fax: (202) 293-2840
*Please write "IEV Application (Egypt)" in the subject line of your email.

The deadline to apply is February 1, 2009.

Freedom House regularly seeks candidates for its AVID program.

Volunteers are required to have five or more years professional experience relevant to one of the key areas (non-profit management and development, advocacy, fundraising, grants management, volunteer training, public relations, political communication, legislative process, public administration, and budgeting and finance); the ability to commit to 3-12 months of service (occasional exceptions); and a resourceful, innovative personality.

Overseas experience - particularly in transition countries - and foreign language skills are strongly preferred.