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Search Strategy Used to Create the Bioethics Subset on PubMed

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This strategy was created by NLM and the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University to facilitate searching for citations to articles in the area of bioethics. This subset can also be used in a search as bioethics [sb].
Example: euthanasia AND bioethics [sb]

Strategy last modified February 2010.

jsubsete OR ethical [ti] OR ethically [ti] OR ethico OR ethics [mh] OR ethics [ti] OR ethics [sh]
OR ethicist OR ethicists OR ethics committee [cn] OR bioethic OR bioethical OR bioethicist OR
bioethicists OR bioethics OR abortion, criminal [majr] OR abortion, eugenic [majr] OR
((abortion, induced [majr:noexp] OR  abortion, legal [majr]) NOT animals [mh:noexp] AND
(attitude [mh] OR public opinion OR coercion OR decision making [mh] OR prenatal diagnosis
[majr] OR pregnancy trimester, third [mh] OR women's health services OR women's rights
[mh])) OR (abortion, legal [majr] AND trends) OR (abortion, therapeutic [majr]  AND (attitude
[mh] OR public opinion OR coercion OR decision making [mh] OR women's rights [mh])) OR
advance directive adherence OR advance directives [mh] OR advance directives [tiab] OR
animal care committees [mh] OR (animal care [ti] AND committees) OR IACUC [ti] OR
IACUCs [ti] OR  animal rights [mh]  OR animal rights [ti] OR animal experimentation
[majr:noexp] OR (laboratory animals AND animal welfare/lj [majr]) OR (animal welfare [majr]
AND (laboratory animals [mh:noexp] OR experimentation [ti] OR research [ti] OR research
[majr:noexp] OR animals, genetically modified [majr])) OR (animal experimentation [mh] AND
animal welfare [mh:noexp]) OR vivisection [majr] OR anonymous testing [majr] OR beginning
of human life [mh] OR ((biomedical enhancement [mh:noexp] OR clinical trials as topic/lj
[majr] OR (cloning, organism [majr] AND (attitude OR public opinion OR embryo research
[mh] OR reproduction, asexual [mh] OR reproductive techniques, assisted)) OR embryo
disposition [mh] OR (embryo research [mh] AND (economics OR cryopreservation OR
fertilization in vitro OR social control, formal)) OR embryo research [majr] OR euthanasia,
active [mh:noexp] OR fetal research [mh] OR genetic enhancement [majr] OR withholding
treatment [majr] OR posthumous conception) AND humans [mh]) OR (euthanasia [ti] AND
humans) OR (euthanasia [mh:noexp] AND (humans [mh] OR history [sh] OR political systems))
OR euthanasia, active, voluntary OR passive euthanasia [mh] OR passive euthanasia [ti] OR civil
rights [majr] OR (capital punishment [majr] AND (attitude of health personnel [mh] OR
physicians [majr] OR pharmacists [majr] OR professional role [majr] OR medicine  [majr])) OR
(commitment of mentally ill [majr] AND (attitude OR public opinion OR coercion OR
jurisprudence [mh:noexp] OR lj [sh])) OR commodification [mh] OR commodification [ti] OR
confidentiality [majr] OR confidentiality [ti] OR dehumanization [mh] OR directed tissue
donation OR (disabled persons [mh:noexp] AND disease transmission, horizontal) OR
(disclosure [majr:noexp] AND (diagnosis OR databases as topic OR genetics OR genome OR
industry OR insurance OR medical errors OR professional-patient relations OR reproductive
techniques OR virus diseases)) OR  (drug industry [majr:noexp] AND (health personnel
[majr:noexp] OR faculty, medical [mh] OR faculty, nursing [mh] OR medical education [majr]
OR medical staff [mh] OR nursing staff [mh] OR nurses [mh:noexp] OR nurse administrators
[mh] OR physicians [mh] OR physician's role OR health occupations [mh:noexp])) OR duty to
recontact OR eugenics OR (fraud [mh] AND research [mh]) OR scientific integrity review OR
freedom [majr] OR (gene therapy [majr] AND (clinical trials as topic [mh] OR RAC [ti])) OR
genetic discrimination [ti] OR genetic privacy OR (genetic testing [majr] AND (attitude [majr]
OR discrimination [ti] OR health insurance [majr] OR life insurance [majr] OR public opinion
[majr] OR mandatory reporting)) OR (gift giving AND (industry [majr] OR interprofessional
relations [majr] OR professional-patient relations [majr])) OR health care rationing [majr] OR
holocaust [mh] OR human experimentation [mh] OR ((health care disparities OR healthcare
disparities) AND prejudice) OR human experimentation [ti] OR (human experimentation AND
(attitude [mh] OR ethical OR public opinion)) OR human rights [majr:noexp] OR (human rights
abuses AND (biological warfare OR biomedical research OR health facilities [majr] OR
prisoners [majr] OR professional role OR public health [mh:noexp] OR terrorism [mh])) OR
informed consent [majr] OR informed consent [ti] OR ((informed consent [mh] OR consent[ti])
AND (AIDS serodiagnosis [majr] OR research [majr] OR clinical trials as topic [majr])) OR
consent forms [ti] OR parental consent [mh] OR (insurance, psychiatric [majr] AND parity [ti]
AND (accessibility OR jurisprudence))  OR involuntary sterilization [mh] OR (involuntary
sterilization AND (coercion OR forced OR compulsory OR rights OR involuntary [ti])) OR
involuntary sterilization [mh] OR legal guardians [majr] OR (life support care [majr] AND (brain
death OR decision making OR patient participation [mh] OR pregnancy [mh] OR pregnant
women OR palliative care [mh] OR social values [mh] OR terminal care [majr] OR terminally ill
[majr])) OR mandatory programs [majr:noexp] OR (mandatory reporting [majr] AND (AIDS
serodiagnosis OR HIV infections OR communicable diseases OR (domestic violence
[majr:noexp] AND professional role [majr]) OR medical errors [majr:noexp])) OR mandatory
testing [majr] OR medical futility [mh] OR medical futility [ti] OR (mental competency [majr]
AND (patient OR patient rights [mh:noexp] OR informed consent OR treatment refusal)) OR
(national socialism AND victims) OR (national socialism [majr] AND (medical faculty OR
medical specialties OR surgical specialties [majr] OR disabled persons OR nurses OR physicians
OR professional role [majr] OR pernkopf)) OR oocyte donation/px [majr] OR parental consent
[ti] OR parental notification [tiab] OR parental notification [mh] OR paternalism OR patient self
determination act OR patient rights [mh:noexp] OR ((patient [ti] OR patients [ti]) AND rights
[ti]) OR personhood [ti] OR (prejudice AND (diagnosis OR therapy) AND (age factors [majr]
OR disabled persons [majr] OR ethnic groups [majr] OR minority groups [majr] OR sex factors
[majr])) OR (prejudice [majr] AND (diagnosis OR therapy) AND (age factors [mh] OR disabled
persons [mh] OR ethnic groups [mh] OR minority groups [mh] OR sex factors [mh])) OR
(prejudice [majr] AND research [majr] AND (ethnic groups [mh] OR minority groups [mh])) OR
((prejudice OR insurance selection bias) AND (aids serodiagnosis [majr] OR communicable
diseases OR genetic testing [majr] OR hiv seropositivity [majr])) OR (( prejudice [majr] OR
insurance selection bias) AND (aids [majr] OR disabled persons [majr:noexp] OR hiv infections
[majr:noexp] OR mass screening [majr:noexp] OR mentally disabled persons)) OR ((patents as
topic [majr] OR intellectual property [majr:noexp]) AND (animals, genetically modified OR
biomedical research [majr] OR biomedical technology [majr] OR human body OR organisms,
genetically modified [mh:noexp])) OR ((patents OR patents as topic) AND (human genome
project OR (genomics AND (ethical OR ethics OR policy OR synthetic biology [tiab] OR
synthetic life [tiab] OR ownership [mh:noexp] OR good OR law [tiab])))) OR presumed consent
OR (proxy [mh] AND decision making) OR (quarantine [majr] NOT veterinary NOT animals
[mh:noexp]) OR refusal to treat [mh] OR refusal to treat [tiab] OR assisted suicide [mh] OR
assisted suicide [tiab] OR resuscitation orders [mh] OR (resuscitation orders AND (orders [ti]
OR decisions [ti] OR choice [ti] OR attitudes [ti])) OR right to die [mh] OR right to die [ti] OR
treatment refusal [majr] OR reproductive rights [mh] OR (reproductive [ti] AND rights [ti]) OR
refusal to participate [majr] OR social values [majr] OR truth disclosure [majr] OR
whistleblowing OR wrongful life [majr] OR (sterilization, reproductive [mh:noexp] AND
(mental retardation OR disabled persons)) OR surrogate mothers [mh] OR tissue and organ
procurement/ec [majr] OR ((tissue and organ procurement [majr] OR tissue donors [majr:noexp]
OR living donors [majr]) AND (attitude [majr] OR commerce [majr:noexp] OR decision making
[majr:noexp] OR gift giving OR informed consent [mh] OR consent [ti] OR motivation
[majr:noexp] OR public opinion)) OR (blood donors [majr] AND (altruism [mh] OR commerce
[majr:noexp] OR decision making [majr:noexp] OR gift giving OR motivation [majr:noexp] OR
public opinion)) OR ((torture [mh] OR (war [majr] AND (politics OR war crimes))) AND
(health personnel [mh] OR physician's role OR nurse's role OR health occupations
[majr:noexp])) OR (terrorism [majr] AND (research [majr] OR civil rights [mh:noexp] OR
coercion OR freedom [mh] OR mandatory programs [mh:noexp] OR voluntary programs
[majr])) OR united states office of research integrity OR ((buddhism OR christianity OR
confucianism OR hinduism OR islam [mh] OR islam [ti] OR islamic [ti] OR judaism OR
religion [mh:noexp] OR religion and medicine [mh] OR theology [mh] OR altruism [mh] OR
philosophy [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, dental [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, medical [mh:noexp]
OR philosophy, nursing [mh:noexp] OR government regulation OR jurisprudence [mh:noexp]
OR legislation as topic [mh] OR health policy [mh:noexp] OR organizational policy [mh] OR
policy making [mh] OR public policy [mh:noexp] OR politics [mh:noexp] OR guidelines as
topic [mh:noexp] OR guideline [pt] OR legal cases [pt] OR legislation [pt] OR lj [sh]) AND
humans AND (abortion, induced [majr:noexp] OR abortion, legal [majr] OR abortion,
therapeutic [majr] OR cloning, organism OR databases, genetic [majr] OR disclosure
[majr:noexp] OR DNA fingerprinting [majr] OR embryo research [mh] OR human genome
project [mh] OR preimplantation diagnosis [mh] OR sex determination analysis OR sex
preselection [mh])) OR ((buddhism OR christianity OR confucianism OR hinduism OR islam
[mh] OR islam [ti] OR islamic [ti]  OR judaism OR religion [mh:noexp] OR religion and
medicine [mh] OR theology [mh] OR altruism [mh] OR philosophy [mh:noexp] OR philosophy,
dental [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, medical [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, nursing [mh:noexp] OR
government regulation OR jurisprudence [mh:noexp] OR legislation as topic [mh] OR health
policy [mh:noexp] OR organizational policy [mh] OR policy making [mh] OR public policy
[mh:noexp] OR politics [mh:noexp] OR guidelines as topic [mh] OR guideline [pt] OR legal
cases [pt] OR legislation [pt] OR lj [sh]) AND humans AND (brain death [majr] OR gene
therapy [majr])) OR ((buddhism OR christianity OR confucianism OR hinduism OR islam [mh]
OR islam [ti] OR islamic [ti] OR judaism OR religion [mh:noexp] OR religion and medicine
[mh] OR theology [mh] OR altruism [mh] OR philosophy [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, dental
[mh:noexp] OR philosophy, medical [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, nursing [mh:noexp] OR
government regulation OR jurisprudence [mh:noexp] OR legislation as topic [mh] OR health
policy [mh:noexp] OR organizational policy [mh] OR policy making [mh] OR public policy
[mh:noexp] OR politics [mh:noexp] OR guidelines as topic [mh:noexp] OR legal cases [pt] OR
legislation [pt] OR lj [sh]) AND humans AND (advance care planning [majr] OR bioengineering
[majr] OR cesarean section [mh] OR clinical trials data monitoring committees OR
compassionate use [ti] OR compassionate use trials [mh] OR (compassionate use [tiab] AND
trials) OR contact tracing [mh] OR genetic counseling [majr] OR genetic engineering
[majr:noexp] OR genetic testing [majr] OR genetic research [majr:noexp] OR genetics, medical
[majr:noexp] OR individualized medicine [mh] OR individualized medicine [ti] OR personalized
medicine [ti] OR intensive care units, neonatal [mh] OR life support care [majr] OR tissue
donors [majr:noexp] OR living donors [majr] OR medical tourism [majr] OR reproductive
techniques [majr:noexp] OR reproductive techniques, assisted [majr] OR tissue and organ
procurement [majr] OR value of life [majr] OR (patents as topic [majr] AND (base sequence
[majr] OR cell line [majr] OR chimera [majr] OR (developing countries [mh] AND health
services accessibility [mh]) OR DNA [majr] OR genes [majr] OR genome, human [majr] OR life
[ti])) OR patient transfer [majr] OR prenatal diagnosis [majr]  OR refusal to participate [mh] OR
stem cells [majr] OR terminally ill [majr] OR transplantation [majr])) OR ((buddhism OR
christianity OR confucianism OR hinduism OR islam [mh] OR islam [ti] OR islamic [ti] OR
judaism OR religion [mh:noexp] OR religion and medicine [mh] OR theology [mh] OR altruism
[mh] OR philosophy [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, dental [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, medical
[mh:noexp] OR philosophy, nursing [mh:noexp]) AND professional-patient relations [majr]) OR
((buddhism OR christianity OR confucianism OR hinduism OR islam [mh] OR islam [ti] OR
islamic [ti] OR judaism OR religion [mh:noexp] OR religion and medicine [mh] OR theology
[mh] OR altruism [mh] OR philosophy [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, dental [mh:noexp] OR
philosophy, medical [mh:noexp] OR philosophy, nursing [mh:noexp] OR government regulation
OR jurisprudence [mh:noexp] OR legislation as topic [mh] OR health policy [mh:noexp] OR
policy making [mh] OR public policy [mh:noexp] OR politics [mh:noexp] OR legal cases [pt]
OR legislation [pt] OR lj [sh]) AND humans AND genomics [majr]) OR bioethics [ta] OR bmc
med ethics [ta] OR christ bioeth [ta] OR dev world bioeth [ta] OR health care anal [ta] OR health
matrix [ta] OR hec forum [ta] OR issues law med [ta] OR j law med ethics [ta] OR jonas healthc
law ethics regul [ta] OR monash bioeth rev [ta] OR nurs ethics [ta]


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