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  • ANSBACH, Germany - On the evening of May 14, 1,385 Soldiers, family members, civilians and local nationals of the Ansbach military community came together at Storck barracks to set the unofficial armed forces record for the largest yellow ribbon formation.
  • Community Covenant signing in Tacoma, Wash., with the Fort Lewis community, May 2, 2008.
  • Girl Scouts donate cookies to Florida National Guard
  • Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (center) and Congressman Ike Skelton (third from right) at a Community Covenant signing in Sedalia, Missouri, Aug 15, 2010.
  • Community Covenant signing in Saline County, Kansas, Aug 4, 2010.
  • Forty-four state and local community leaders, military and family gathered to sign the Army Community Covenant during the Fourth of July celebration at U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii.

The Community Covenant

program is designed to foster and sustain effective state and community partnerships with the Army to improve the quality of life for Soldiers and their Families, both at their current duty stations and as they transfer to other states. It is a formal commitment of support by state and local communities to Soldiers and Families of the Army - Active, Guard and Reserve.

While Community Covenant is an Army program, it extends to the other Military Services as well, recognizing that many community efforts support all Service Members and their Families regardless of the uniform they wear.

Top News Story

SAN ANTONIO - Sgt. Maj. Eric Lobsinger, chief public affairs noncommissioned officer, U.S. Army North, meets with members of the Alamo Chapter 1836, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and talks to them about the importance of Army North and its missions prior to a San Antonio Silver Stars basketball game Sept. 7. The Silver Stars, part of the Womans National Basketball Association, were honoring military members, both past and present, with a military appreciation night.
(U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Keith Anderson, Army North PAO)

Army North, Silver Stars slam-dunk military appreciation night

SAN ANTONIO - Before San Antonio Silver Stars basketball fans began streaming into the AT&T...READ MORE

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Best Practices

National Programs

National programs and services supporting Soldiers and their Families.

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State & Local Programs

Local programs and services supporting Soldiers and their Families provided by America's Communities.

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What people are Saying

  • “To be successful as a military and against the fight against terror, I need four things: a Soldier, that Soldier’s family, the Soldier’s employer and a supportive community.”

    - Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz, Chief, Army Reserve
    Army Strong Community Center Grand Opening
    Rochester, NY, May 15, 2010

  • “No military family should have to bear its struggles alone.”

    - Dr. Jill Biden
    July 28, 2010

  • “I can think of no better way to show how much we value our men and women in uniform than through these simple acts of neighborly kindness. When a soldier serves, their whole family serves along with them. Join us, as we help care for these families, while honoring the service they provide to our nation.”

    - Mr. Bob Eaves
    First Gentleman of North Carolina

  • “So today I’m issuing a national challenge -— to every sector of American society to mobilize and take action to support and engage our military families. We need a truly national commitment here. One percent of Americans may be fighting our wars, but we need 100 percent of Americans to support them and their families.”

    - Michelle Obama
    National Military Family Association Summit
    May 12, 2010

  • “A heartfelt “thank you” to the Town of Chelmsford and the surrounding area. Our friends, co-workers, neighbors, and fellow townspeople went above and beyond all hopes and expectations to make sure we were taken care of [during my spouse’s deployment]. Please know that our time in Chelmsford will hold a warm and truly memorable place in our hearts, reinforce our faith in community, and will make our service to our great country all the more worthwhile.”

    - Military Family, Chelmsford, Mass.
    A Community Covenant community since 2010

  • “We must do more. I strongly urge everyone in our community, from local businesses to individuals, to do whatever they can to lend a hand with the military families in their area. Whether it’s volunteering to do the weekly shopping, delivering a prepared meal or just raking your neighbor’s lawn, there are many ways we can repay these families for their service to our nation.”

    - Mayor, Boise, Idaho
    A Community Covenant community since 2009

  • “Our brave men and women are there for us at a moment’s notice. And the demands placed on our active duty and our citizen soldiers are greater now than ever. It is important that we in New Hampshire continue to show support for them, their families, and their sacrifice for our state and our nation.”

    - New Hampshire Governor John Lynch
    Community Covenant Signing Ceremony, 2009

  • “We need engagement from organizations not normally involved in military issues, to help us, to provide us expertise, to fill the gaps between where our government programs are able to help our families and where they cannot.”

    - General Raymond T. Odierno
    Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
    October 14, 2011