Biobombs blast cancer!

Biobombs blast cancer!

After 100 years, viral therapy shows new success

Viruses can act like "intelligent agents" against cancer. Some viruses home in on cancer cells; others can only reproduce in them. While making more virus, the tumor cell dies. Then the new virus infects more cells. Is this real progress in the war on cancer? More »

Bacteria: Social critters!?

Bacteria: Social critters!?

Feuds, vendettas, even warfare in the single-celled set!

Bacteria: you've seen one, you've seen them all? Not. There's a chemical war going on in that Petri dish, and a new study identifies specialist "super-killers" can kill off a broad range of competitors. Could "bacterial soldiers" help us fight resistance to antibiotics? More »

Science Teachers: Hip yourself to a great resource!

Teaching the science standards? Looking for extra-credit projects?

Watching a continental split

Watching a continental split

Probing the crust beneath Southern California

Seismic study shows crust thinning as continent divides, giving another view of our restless planet, showing tectonic movement in action, and highlighting a major real-estate investment opportunity. More »

In The News

Cleanup time in New Orleans: Are we still building in the path of disaster?

It's a fact of life: Hurricanes and floods happen. So why are people rebuilding in the path of storms and floods? Is there a smarter way to plan development? More »

RNC watch: Hurricane warnings in Florida!

Car amind rubble from Hurricane Charley.How do hurricanes form? How do we predict their paths? How can we improve predictions? More »

Apple bests Samsung in heavy patent case!

Patent wars!How do patents work? What is "new, non-obvious and useful"? What will happen after the biggest change in patent law in 60 years? More »

Nyad again fails on Cuba to Florida swim!

Ultra-endurance athleticsUltra sports are exploding! Why would anybody bike 508 miles across the desert – or run 135? What are the rigors of training, the satisfaction of finishing, the dangers of competing? Are we the ultimate endurance animals? More »

Drought will cause spike in food prices: USDA

Soil: Key to solving the food crisis?Could soil help? One-third of soils are degraded. In fighting desertification, erosion and nutrient loss, some soil-restoring techniques solve multiple problems. More »

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