Press Releases

House Republican Cuts to Social Security Will Only Cost Taxpayers More Money

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Washington, Jul 26, 2012 -

Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement on the Social Security Chief Actuary’s estimate of the impact of House Republicans’ proposed cuts to the Social Security Administration’s operating budget:

“House Republicans are at it again. By cutting $800 million from Social Security’s operating budget, they will actually cost taxpayers far more. In fact, according to the Social Security Chief Actuary, this could cost Americans up to $6 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse that could have otherwise been prevented.  Republicans in Congress talk a big game about reducing waste, fraud, and abuse in government spending – but when they have an opportunity to do something about it, they once again take the penny wise, pound foolish approach. The GOP’s reckless agenda doesn’t reduce the deficit, doesn’t put Americans back to work, and doesn’t help middle class families or seniors who are struggling to make ends meet.”

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