Congressional Testimony, Reports, and Submissions

Congressional Testimony

Congressional Reports

Campaign Finance

  • Report to Congress: Increased Penalties for Campaign Finance Offenses and Legislative Recommendations (May 2003).This report is submitted pursuant to section 314 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107-155 (the "Act"). Section 314 required the United States Sentencing Commission (the "Commission") to promulgate a guideline "for penalties for violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971." The Commission, acting under emergency authority conferred by the Act, promulgated an amendment, effective January 25, 2003, which created an temporary guideline for campaign finance offenses. That guideline was repromulgated without change as a permanent amendment in March 2003 and, subject to congressional review, will become effective on November 1, 2003. (.PDF)

Computer Crime

Corporate Crime and Fraud Topics


Disaster Fraud

Drug Topics

Mandatory Minimum Penalties

Money Laundering Topics

Sex Offense Topics

  • Report to Congress: Adequacy of Penalties for the Intentional Exposure of Others, through Sexual Activity, to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (March 1995) (.PDF) In this report, the Commission considers whether revisions to the sentencing guidelines were needed to accommodate offenses involving willful exposure to HIV. The report examines (1) the operation of the guidelines given the absence of a specific federal statute punishing the intentional transmission of HIV; (2) cases sentenced in fiscal year 1993 to determine the frequency with which HIV exposure was an issue at sentencing; and (3) pertinent case law.

  • Report to Congress: Analysis of Penalties for Federal Rape Cases (March 1995) (.PDF) This report discusses the operation of the sentencing guidelines with regard to federal rape cases, compares federal and state penalties for sexual assault, analyzes Sentencing Commission sexual abuse data, and analyzes public comment and expert opinion on pertinent issues.

  • Report to Congress: Sex Crimes Against Children (June 1996) This report analyzes all 1994 and 1995 cases involving sexual abuse, child pornography, or the promotion of illegal sexual contact. The report responds to a congressional directive in the Sex Crimes Against Children Prevention Act of 1995. Pertinent statutory provisions are analyzed and recommendations are presented.

Congressional Submissions