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Grand Coulee Dam: Third Powerplant Overhaul Project

Home | Project Update | Tentative Schedule | News Releases


On the western hillside above Grand Coulee Dam, workmen in neon green t-shirts straddle a partially built transmission tower hundreds of feet high. The crew, barely visible against a maze of power lines and steel structures, are building six new towers that will support 18 power lines coming from the Third Powerplant across the Columbia River.

The new towers are part of a year-long effort to install new 500-kV overhead transmission lines and high voltage towers. The lines stretch from the powerplant, across the Columbia River, over the visitor center area, and then proceed uphill to existing lines that transfer power into the Bonneville Power Administration’s regional grid network. (Video by Kirsten Strough, Visual Information Specialist)


The six generating units in the Third Powerplant (TPP) have been in service since the mid-1970s. Age-related wear is beginning to create problems which have resulted in increased power outages and reduced reliability. The overhaul project will ensure continued operation of the powerplant and allow Reclamation to provide a reliable source of hydroelectric power to the region.

Reclamation is preparing for the overhaul outages by identifying specific repair needs, performing detailed analysis, performing design work, and seeking contracts for work to be completed prior to overhaul. A considerable amount of the Planning and Design work is being accomplished in partnership with Architect-Engineering companies under contract with Reclamation.

These efforts will result in improved reliability of equipment that is needed to support the overhaul, will identify ways to minimize outage durations, and will reduce the likelihood and magnitude of increases to outage time.

Project Summary
Projects to be Completed Prior to the Overhaul
Other Third Powerplant Overhaul-Related Projects
Photo Gallery | Base Scenario Animation
Third Powerplant Generating Units Overhaul Activities EA Addendum
Third Powerplant Generating Units Overhaul Activities EA & FONSI
Grand Coulee's Third Powerplant 500-Kilovolt Transmission Line Replacement Project FONSI
Grand Coulee's Third Powerplant 500-Kilovolt Transmission Line Replacement Project EA (BPA)
Project Update - Third Power Plant (TPP) Status Report – February 3, 2012

Material Storage Building (MSB):   The building is under construction.  The roof and concrete panels have been placed on the building. Graham Construction is the contractor. 


NEPA for MSB and TPP Overhaul: The NEPA was completed and the EA has been issued.


TPP Cranes:   Crane control replacement is underway for cranes #2 & #4 inside the TPP.  Dix Corporation is the contractor.


Fixed Wheel Gate Chamber Modifications:  Project is currently under construction.  Knight Construction is the contractor.

TPP Elevators: The project was recently awarded to ThyssenKrupp, Inc. 


Excitation Systems:  The G-19 and G-21 Exciter replacements are complete.  The G-23 Exciter is currently being installed.  The G-24 Exciter will be replaced beginning in June 2012.  The contractor is ABB, Inc.


Governor Upgrades:   The G-19 and G-21 Governor replacements are complete. The G-23 Governor is currently being installed.   American Governor is the contractor. 


Transformer Replacement (G19 & G20):  The construction is substantially complete.  Both sets of transformers are currently in use.  Gardner-Zemke was the contractor and has demobilized.


500 KV Cable:  The NEPA and NHPA processes are complete.  Construction is scheduled to begin on February 7, 2012. The contract was recently awarded to Wilson Construction. 


Shaft Seals: The $1.6M contract was awarded to SM seals in June 2010.  The seals have been received, inspected and stored awaiting installation during the G-22, G-23 and G-24 mechanical overhaul.


Mechanical Overhaul of Units G-22, G-23, G-24:  A modification to the contract was issued to remove the TPP sand filters.  Work is scheduled to begin in 2013.


Tentative Schedule
Activity Start Finish

Overhaul Units G22-24

April 2008

September 2017


March 2009

January 2010


January 2010

May 2011


March 2013

September 2017

Plan, Design, Procure, Site Prep

April 2008

June 2013

Overhaul G-24

March 2013

September 2014

Overhaul G-23

September 2014

March 2016

Overhaul G-22

March 2016

September 2017

Overhaul Units G19-G21

To be determined

To be determined

New Material Storage Bldg

June 2008

October 2012

TPP Elevators

June 2008

January 2013

Modify Fixed-Wheel Gate Chamber

June 2008

December 2012

Rehab TPP Cranes

June 2008

December 2012

New TPP Exciters

May 2007

May 2013

New TPP Governor Controls

September 2008

May 2013

Replace 236MVA Transformers

November 2006

December 2011

New 500KV Cables

February 2009

December 2012

News Releases

05/12/2011 Reclamation Awards $102 Million Contract for Overhaul of Third Powerplant at Grand Coulee Dam

03/04/2009 Reclamation Awards $2 Million Contract for Grand Coulee Third Powerplant Project Planning
02/27/2009 Reclamation Prepares EA on Proposed Grand Coulee Third Powerplant Overhaul
Lynne Brougher
Public Affairs Officer
Grand Coulee Power Office
(509) 633-9503
Chris Vick
Project Manager
Grand Coulee Power Office
(509) 633-9350

Last Update: September 7, 2012 2:02 PM