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BLM-National Interagency Fire Center - Boise, ID

BLM-National Interagency Fire Center
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  • Government Organization
    The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), located in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's support center for wildland firefighting.
  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • John R Hornsby III
      Folks need to be able to post photos to this page. I have many pictures of MAFFS flying around Boise and would love to share them with others, not just the folks at the IAFC-Boise
    • Clayton Al Dodson
      The Science of condensation: Did you ever notice how much water comes off your vehicles AC compressor, streaming little rivers on the roads? No, you think nothing of it. So you'll probably scratch your heads when I present a Firefighting method that draws the very air and smoke from the sky, condenseses it, and uses the water from condensate and liquid smoke to Fight fires. Sure it requires a large machine to draw air through an LN2 cooled chamber and to produce and spray significant, continuous fluid. Yeah, that's because Firefighting is a large task. Now, I can't do this alone, but if you share it, I'm sure that you'll find people who can make it happen. Visit dodsonsth on youtbe and view the fire science videos. Best regards.
    • Garden Valley GVidaho
      How many fires are currently active in Boise County and where?
    • Martin Knight
      Hi, I am a post-graduate student researching the use of social media in disaster management. Please take this short survey about how you use social media in emergencies, and please forward it to anyone who you think might be able to contribute. Thank you.
  2. We remember...Thank you, heroes!
    On Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, the U.S. came under attack when four commercial airliners were hijacked and used to strike targets on the ground. Nearly 3,000 people tragically lost their lives. Because of the actions of the 40 passengers and crew aboard one of the planes, Flight 93, the attack on the U.S. Capitol was thwarted.
  3. Over time, the purpose of the Fireline Handbook has changed a great deal. Since the advent of the IRPG, the Fireline Handbook’s use has changed dramatically. It is no longer the fireline reference for firefighters and has become more of a s...
    tandards guide for incident overhead.

    The handbook has been revised with this in mind, and, as a result, the name has been changed to the Wildland Fire Incident Management Field Guide. We have incorporated your earlier suggestions, and would like the greater community to review the draft document one last time to help us ensure we got it right.

    The revised document can be found at,
    along with a change proposal form.
    See More
  4. Awww...another little critter rescued from the Chips Fire.
    Chips the Bobcat
    Photo: Chips the Bobcat
  5. Rocky Mountain Area has added a Fuels and Fire Behavior Advisory for portions of Wyoming, the Dakotas and Nebraska.
  6. Report on the 2011 Fourmile Canyon Fire in Colorado done by the Forest Service’s Fort Collins-based Rocky Mountain Research Station.

    “A critical finding was that despite their relatively high familiarity with wildfire, most r...
    espondents did not believe that characteristics of their structure and the immediate surroundings of the structure were significant factors influencing the likelihood of a wildfire damaging their property within the next 5 years.”

    Interesting read. What are your thoughts on this subject?
    See More
  7. Strong, gusty winds along with low relative humidity will create critical fire weather conditions from northern California to western Montana and northern Wyoming today.

    North Pass Fire, northern California
    Credit: Bob Weaver
    Photo: Strong, gusty winds along with low relative humidity will create critical fire weather conditions from northern California to western Montana and northern Wyoming today.

North Pass Fire, northern California
Credit: Bob Weaver
  8. North Ops has added a Fuels and Fire Behavior Advisory that covers most of northern California. See the map at the attached link and click on the polygon in northern California for the text of the Advisory.
  9. LEAD Time! Leadership is defined as the act of influencing people in order to achieve a result. The leadership environment is made up of critical elements that a successful leader must consider in planning for effective action. Check out LEAD Time in 6 Minutes for Safety section of today's Sit Report (page 8)
    Photo: LEAD Time! Leadership is defined as the act of influencing people in order to achieve a result. The leadership environment is made up of critical elements that a successful leader must consider in planning for effective action. Check out LEAD Time in 6 Minutes for Safety section of today's Sit Report (page 8)
  10. The Big Blowup, 1910 Fires
    On August 20, an upper-level trough, centered in Saskatchewan, moved through the Northern Rockies between 1000 and 2100 hrs. This cold front passage brought a strong west/southwest wind that caused numerous fires ...
    to “blow-up” and join together to create large fire fronts that moved across the landscape. Fire crews across the Northern Rockies found themselves in danger of entrapment. Many were able to take refuge in previously burned areas, natural safety zones, and mine tunnels. Some were completely cut off, and by the end of the day, 85 persons - 78 of them firefighters - had lost their lives at 9 separate fatality sites.
    See More
    Photo: The Big Blowup, 1910 Fires
On August 20, an upper-level trough, centered in Saskatchewan, moved through the Northern Rockies between 1000 and 2100 hrs. This cold front passage brought a strong west/southwest wind that caused numerous fires to “blow-up” and join together to create large fire fronts that moved across the landscape. Fire crews across the Northern Rockies found themselves in danger of entrapment. Many were able to take refuge in previously burned areas, natural safety zones, and mine tunnels. Some were completely cut off, and by the end of the day, 85 persons - 78 of them firefighters - had lost their lives at 9 separate fatality sites.
  11. The Springs Fire in Idaho was contained at 6,150 acres.
    Credit: Kari Greer
    Photo: The Springs Fire in Idaho was contained at 6,150 acres.
Credit: Kari Greer
  12. Isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms will develop across the
    northwestern US from northern CA and OR to eastern WA, central ID and western MT, bringing critical fire weather conditions to the region. Isolated thunderstorms will also form in northern NV, UT, and southern ID. Higher humidity and lower temps helped minimize the effects of lightning, new starts and spread in N CA and the Northwest yesterday.
  13. NIFC has gone mobile! Mobile site is now available with links to the Sit Report, National Fire News, NICC and Predictive Services.
    Photo: NIFC has gone mobile! Mobile site is now available with links to the Sit Report, National Fire News, NICC and Predictive Services.