United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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  • Protecting People
  and the Environment
  • NRC Attorney Lisa London discusses the legal position for consideration of offsite contamination in the regulatory framework during the NRC Commission briefing on the possible economic consequences of a nuclear emergency. Looking on the NRC staff (left to right) Deborah Jackson, Timothy McGinty, Bill Borchardt, Scott Flanders and Richard Correia.
    NRC Attorney Lisa London discusses the legal position for consideration of offsite contamination… more…
  • NRC employees reflect on their 9/11 experiences. Revisit the  two-part 9/11 remembrance video: Reflections: The NRC Remembers 9/11.
    NRC employees reflect on their 9/11 experiences. Revisit the two-part 9/11 remembrance video… more…
  • San Onofre Senior Resident Inspector Greg Warnick (left) and Resident Inspector John Reynoso talk to members of the public about the NRC at the Dana Point Safety Expo.
    San Onofre Senior Resident Inspector Greg Warnick (left) and Resident Inspector John Reynoso … more…
  • Reactor Safety  Team members, in the NRC�s Operations Center, check simulated plant conditions this week during an emergency preparedness exercise with Columbia nuclear power plant in Washington State.
    Reactor Safety Team members, in the NRC’s Operations Center, check simulated plant conditions… more…

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