  Study Area

MARINe represents the largest monitoring effort of its kind. Sites extend across the west coast from Alaska to Mexico, and are being added on the east coast as well.

There are two MARINe protocols used to monitor the rocky intertidal habitat-- the Core Survey protocol and Biodiversity Survey protocol. Sites whose data have been entered into either the Core Database or Biodiversity Database are included on these maps. There are several additional sites which are being monitored by MARINe teams; these are not included on the maps because the data are not in the database. The maps will be updated with these sites as that occurs.

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Biodiversity Surveys

British Columbia

Biodiversity Surveys

Washington State

Core Surveys
Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys


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Oregon State

Core and Biodiversity Surveys


Northern California

Core Surveys
Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys


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Central California

Core Surveys
Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys
*Marine Protected Area Sites


Southern California

Core Surveys
Core and Biodiversity Surveys


Channel Islands

Core Surveys
Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys


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Southern California Islands

Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys


Baja California, Mexico

Core and Biodiversity Surveys
Biodiversity Surveys




Biodiversity Surveys


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