Full Committee Markup on H.R. 3641, H.R. 4100, H.R. 4484, H.R. 4606, H.R. 5958 and H.R. 5987
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 10:00 AM

1324 Longworth House Office Building
Wednesday, June 11, 2012
10:00 a.m.


  • H.R. 3641 (Farr), To establish Pinnacles National Park in the State of California as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes. "Pinnacles National Park Act"
  • H.R. 4100 (Bordallo), To strengthen enforcement mechanisms to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, to amend the Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 to implement the Antigua Convention, and for other purposes. "Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2011"
  • H.R. 4484 (Chaffetz), To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of National Forest System land in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah to Brigham Young University, and for other purposes. "Y Mountain Access Enhancement Act"
  • H.R. 4606 (Rehberg), To authorize the issuance of right-of-way permits for natural gas pipelines in Glacier National Park, and for other purpose.
  • H.R. 5958 (Turner of NY), To name the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Contact Station of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge unit of Gateway National Recreation Area in honor of James L. Buckley.
  • H.R. 5987 (Hastings of WA), To establish the Manhattan Project National Historical Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Hanford, Washington, and for other purposes. "Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act"


The Committee on Natural Resources met in an open markup session on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, and considered the following bills:

H.R. 3641 (Farr), To establish Pinnacles National Park in the State of California as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes. "Pinnacles National Park Act"

The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 3641 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives, as amended, by unanimous consent.

H.R. 4100 (Bordallo), To strengthen enforcement mechanisms to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, to amend the Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 to implement the Antigua Convention, and for other purposes. "Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2011"

The Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 4100 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives by unanimous consent.

H.R. 4484 (Chaffetz), To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of National Forest System land in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah to Brigham Young University, and for other purposes. "Y Mountain Access Enhancement Act"

The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 4484 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives, as amended, by unanimous consent.

H.R. 4606 (Rehberg), To authorize the issuance of right-of-way permits for natural gas pipelines in Glacier National Park, and for other purpose.

The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands and the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources were discharged from further consideration of H.R. 4606 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives, as amended, by unanimous consent.

H.R. 5958 (Turner of NY), To name the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Contact Station of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge unit of Gateway National Recreation Area in honor of James L. Buckley.

The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 5958 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives by unanimous consent.

H.R. 5987 (Hastings of WA), To establish the Manhattan Project National Historical Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Hanford, Washington, and for other purposes. "Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act"

The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 5987 by unanimous consent.

Adopted and favorably reported to the House of Representatives by unanimous consent.

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