US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Protected Area Center

Tribal MPA Programs

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Tribal MPA Programs

Executive Order 13158 directs NOAA and the Department of Interior to "consult with...tribes...and other entities to promote coordination of federal, state, territorial, and tribal actions to establish and manage MPAs." Because the federal government has a trust responsibility to all federally recognized tribes, conservation goals and management practices for MPAs affecting tribal resources should be established through government-to-government consultations.

What are some examples of tribal MPAs?

Several Indian tribes in Western Washington, Alaska and the Great Lakes have treaty-reserved fishing rights. These tribes share co-management authority and responsibility for marine resources in their usual and customary fishing areas with the federal government and/or states, depending on the specific resource and area identified. Tribes that have sole management authority may choose to establish MPAs as a tool to meet conservation goals for areas where they have management responsibilities.

For areas where tribes share co-management authority with the federal government and/or states, any entity wishing to establish MPAs must do so through government-to-government consultations.

How will the national system help tribal MPAs?

Numerous opportunities to enhance coordination and collaboration with tribes on issues related to MPAs are possible through the development of the national system. Some of these opportunities could include a range of potential partnerships aimed at the sharing of information; enhancing technical, scientific, and management capacity; and developing conservation strategies for marine resources of mutual concern.

The MPA Center will work closely with tribes to determine their interest in participating in the national system. Tribal governments that elect to participate in the national system will be full partners and will have an equal voice in decision making to set priorites for collaborative efforts at the regional and national levels.


Framework for the National System of MPAs
MPA Classification
Cultural Heritage Resources Fact Sheet

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Revised July 06, 2012 | Site jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA and the U.S. Department of the Interior
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service