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LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site

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Welcome to the nation's most collaborative source
of geospatial maps and data offering consistent and
comprehensive landscape-scale data layers.

With LANDFIRE, you can view and download geospatial layers and data products that depict the nation's major ecosystems, wildlife habitat, vegetation or canopy characteristics, landscape features, and wildland fire behavior, effects, and regimes.

These data layers traverse jurisdictional land boundaries and provide the public free data products for numerous applications, including wildland fire management and landscape conservation. LANDFIRE is a shared effort between the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

LANDFIRE data products are designed to facilitate national- and regional-level strategic planning and reporting of management activities. Data products are created at a 30-meter grid spatial resolution raster data set; however, the applicability of data products varies by location and specific use. Users are advised to evaluate the data carefully for their applications. The principal purposes of the data products are:

  • Provide national-level, landscape-scale geospatial products to support fire and fuels management planning
  • Provide consistent fuels data to support fire planning, analysis, and budgeting to evaluate fire management alternatives
  • Provide landscape–scale, cross-boundary strategic products for fire and land management activities
  • Supplement planning and management activities, including monitoring, that require consistent vegetation data
  • Supplement strategic and tactical planning for fire operations


bullet2012 LANDFIRE

bulletAugust 2012 Bulletin

bulletGeoArea Reports

North Central
Pacific Northwest
Pacific Southwest
South Central

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