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Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch
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U.S. High Seas Marine Text Forecasts by Area

OPC N.Pacific High Seas Forecast HFO N.Pacific High Seas Forecast HFO S.Pacific High Seas Forecast NHC N.Pacific High Seas Forecast NHC S.Pacific High Seas Forecast NHC N.Atlantic High Seas Forecast OPC N.Atlantic High Seas Forecast

U.S. High Seas Marine Text Forecasts by Area

(Click on the area of interest)

U.S. high seas marine text forecasts are prepared cooperatively by the Ocean Prediction Center(OPC), National Hurricane Center(NHC) and Honolulu Forecast Office(HFO). The map above contains the description for each of these high seas forecast areas. Several high seas forecast products combine these areas. See table below for a more detailed explanation.

Similar webpages for Coastal/Great Lakes Forecasts by Zone and Offshore Marine Forecasts by Zone are available.

These forecasts are also available via e-mail

NOTICE - Check time and date of forecasts. Linked data may not represent the latest forecast. The Internet is not part of the National Weather Service's operational data stream and should never be relied upon as a means to obtain the latest forecast and warning data. Become familiar with and use other means such as NOAA Weather Radio to obtain the latest forecasts and warnings. Please read our DISCLAIMER

This is NOT a complete listing of National Weather Service marine forecast products. See the Marine Forecasts webpage which contains information on the dissemination of NWS marine weather forecasts including frequency and broadcast schedule information as well as links to products and related information.

HSFAT14 West Atlantic (GMDSS Metarea IV) 0430z 1030z 1630z 2230z
HSFAT21 Tropical Atlantic 0415z 1015z 1615z 2215z
HSFEPI East Pacific (GMDSS Metarea XII) 0545z 1145z 1745z 2345z
HSFEP12 NE Pacific 0430z 1030z 1630z 2230z
HSFNP2 N. Mid-Pacific 0445z 1045z 1645z 2245z
HSFEP22,3 Mexico highseas 0400z 1000z 1600z 2200z
HSFSP S. Mid-Pacific 0515z 1115z 1715z 2315z
HSFEP3 Peru Highseas (GMDSS Metarea XVI) 0515z 1115z 1715z 2315z
1 Part of HSFAT1  
2 Part of HSFEPI
3 Part of HSFEP1
4 As per Notices to Mariners 47/09, excludes Hudson Bay area.

National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Weather, and Water Services
Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch (W/OS21)
Last modified: Jun 13, 2011
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