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Allocation—The process of determining how organs are distributed.

Brain Death—Brain death occurs when the brain is totally and irreversibly non-functional. Brain death is caused by not enough blood supply of oxygen which causes the brain cells to die.

Candidate—A patient who has been placed on the National Waiting List for solid organ transplantation.

> Find Out More Terms and Topics

The Need Is Real: Data

During your visit to someone may have been added to the waiting list. It happens every 10 minutes.

Each day, an average of 79 people receive organ transplants. However, an average of 18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.

Organ transplantation has become an accepted medical treatment for end-stage organ failure. The facts prove it. But only you can help make it happen.

Statistics can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to understand. One thing to remember is that every number in the statistic you view is a person, a person who either needs your help and is waiting for a lifesaving transplant or a person who has left a lasting legacy through organ and tissue donation. Either way each number represents a life, a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister or a child, someone who is important to someone else, maybe even you.

Statistics change. Some change day to day and some can even change minute to minute. So you may see different numbers each time you return to or some of the other sites linked from here. You may ask why this happens. There are several reasons.

One of the most confusing statistics is the number of persons waiting for a transplant. Patients are allowed to register at multiple transplant centers so you may see a higher number if you count "registrations" rather than "candidates."

Additionally, one of the great things that may happen is that donations and transplantations may be taking place at any time, so while the waiting list might continue to grow the number of donors may also rise. The reality is that the number of candidates waiting continues to dwarf the number of donor organs available, and only you can change this.

Here are some interesting facts:

  • As of May 4, 2009, the percentage of recipients who were still living 5-years after their transplant is noted below for kidney, heart, liver, and lung.
    • Kidney: 69.3%
    • Heart: 74.9%
    • Liver: 73.8%
    • Lung: 54.4%
  • In 2010, 62% of living donors were women. The statistic is reversed for deceased donation.
  • In 2010, 67% of all deceased donors were White, 16% were Black, 13% Hispanic and 2.3% Asian.
  • As of December 2011, the national waiting list was made up of 45% White, 29% Black, 18% Hispanic, and 7% Asian.
  • In 2007, (the most recent data) there were almost 2.5 million deaths in the U.S. Imagine if every one of those persons had donated.
  • Currently, more than 100 million people in the U.S. are signed up to be a donor—sign up and join them.

> More about organ donation among minorities
> Statistics & facts for people over 50

The Gap Continues to Widen

Right now, there are more than enough people waiting for an organ to fill a large football stadium twice over.

The Gap Continues to Widen graph: Number of People and Year End.

Data from and OPTN/SRTR Annual Report.
** Data include deceased and living donors.

[ Graph description of Gap Continues to Widen ]


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