Small Business

Small businesses are a cornerstone of our communities as well as the backbone of the American economy. In fact, small businesses create over sixty percent of new jobs in the United States. I am committed to working with Delaware’s businesses to find ways the federal government can better support their growth and continue the development of a 21st century economy. Ensuring that the federal government does not unfairly burden small businesses is a priority of mine. I will continue looking for common sense ways to reduce burdens on small business owners and to connect them with resources to help them improve their viability and create new jobs.


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Related Sponsored Legislation

Name of bill: Research and Development Tax Credit Extension Act
H.R. Number: H.R. 1693
Date Introduced: 5/4/2011
Description: Increases the business research and development tax credit from 14 percent to 17 percent and makes it permanent to help stimulate economic growth.
Full bill text